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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Question:
We're married. What happens to my partner's property if they die?

If you were married and not separated or divorced at the time your partner died, then what happens to your partner's property depends on whether they had a valid will.

A will is a written legal document that says who gets a person's property after that person dies.

To be valid, your partner must have followed certain rules when making their will. For example, the rules say that a will must usually be signed by the person making it and by two witnesses.

If your married partner had a valid will, you can choose to get either:

what your partner left you in that will, or
an equalization payment: an equalization payment is money one married partner pays to the other to divide the increase in the value of the couple’s property that happened during the marriage
If your married partner's will isn't valid or if they didn't make a will, you can choose to get either:

your share based on legal rules, called "intestacy rules", that say who inherits property when there is no will
an equalization payment: an equalization payment is money one married partner pays to the other to divide the increase in the value of the couple's property that happened during the marriage更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 加拿大籍中国公民,如果意外死亡,财产怎么分配?国内有一老母,加拿大有一老婆和孩子。原则上他不想给国内的老母兄弟姐妹那边任何财产。手写遗嘱怎么写?
    • 如果你所有财产都在加拿大,这边找个律师写个will 就行了
    • 不写遗嘱就行吧~~~财产不是会自动留个孩子和配偶?
      • 国内老母会不会有继承权?他老婆国内有房产。
        • 哦,我不懂~~~帮你顶~ +1
    • 加拿大籍中国公民 --这个好像不可能,拿了加拿大籍 ,就不再是中国公民了。 +3
      • 生于中国的加拿大华人。
        • 那么他到底是不是中国公民呢? +1
    • 原则上,遗嘱优先,没遗嘱,夫妻,孩子,父母,兄弟,其他亲戚等。。好像是这么个顺序,所以不能说父母、兄弟没有继承权,只是继承顺序不同,记得国内在继承父母银行资产的时候,有过没有遗嘱,还得去公证来证明去世的或在世的父母没有小三、小四,没有私生子啥的呢
      • 打印手写的遗嘱有效么?
        • 怎么写无所谓,但一般需要律师公证,涉及配偶的需要双方到场,否则无法说明遗嘱是否是真的个人意愿,不是强迫或是无意识被利用
          • 有这说法?!一定要公正?加拿大籍公民,母亲是中国人是否财产到时候会分配给中国那边?我知道按照中国法律是会的。
            • 呵呵,没有公证或类似证明,你就不怕拿到的非本人亲写的遗嘱?别人拿你写的,就不担心你是被迷幻后签的?国内如此,这边也应类似。至于国籍不是问题,你愿意,捐给火星人都行! +1
              • 是不打算给国内的人。加拿大有没有法律规定国内父母的优先权和妻子儿女等同的说法?因为中国的话就是父母,妻字,孩子是第一继承权。
                • 我记得加拿大是配偶然后到孩子、父母兄弟姐妹,具体要问律师
                • 加拿大就是配偶,子女。国内有父母也是第一顺序。我想看你的财产在哪里,财产多了,也挺麻烦。遗产官司有的打,既便有遗嘱在。
                • 感觉你总有些地方没说明,也不知道你和去世人的关系,如果是夫妻关系,一般来说,如果没有遗嘱,那你应该是第一继承人,所有逝者的财产都应该归你处置,无论是哪边的财产…
                • 再看了你写的,有个感觉,瞎猜啊,别当真,有冒犯多担待。是想在人去世后补一个遗嘱么,这么做是不是有点……得了,不参乎了,还是找律师问问吧
                  • 不是,是这样:他中国有一个老母和一群兄弟姐妹,假设玩意老婆去世,那他的遗产是全留给孩子还是一半会给中国的老母?不想给中国的老母因为最终其实就是兄弟姐妹的。
                    • 挺严肃的事情,还是把男女先理顺了比较好。老婆去世,他还活着,他的遗产从何说起?
                      • 哦,是这样,老婆先去世,他接着再去世,那么家庭财产是全归他的孩子呢,还是中国的老母也有份?
                    • 这位朋友,讨论中说的挺清楚了。1.有遗嘱肯定有利于保护财产 2.他或她及孩子,其他亲属都有可能成为继承人,但不是必然,要按遗嘱和继承顺序来 3.这边和国内找律师立遗嘱是比较靠谱的方式
                      • 你知道中国人不喜欢立遗嘱。
      • 在安省,家庭法高于遗嘱,可以推翻遗嘱。 如果打官司会以家庭法为准。
    • 这里的人不懂不学习法律,用着中国的思维来想当然。这里如果已婚,family law的优先次序高于遗嘱的。如果你配偶在世,你的父母基本是分不到什么的。 +1
      • 楼主问国内的财产,这里的法律可能管不了国内的人和财产
      • 的确不清楚法律细节,中外法律肯定有区别,不过直观感觉,有遗嘱应该高于无遗嘱,否则立遗嘱的人的意愿都不能保证,那还立它干啥呢,至于国内外财产,没有遗嘱,估计就只能按各自法律解释了,不过配偶还没去世,为啥配偶名下房产要被继承?
      • 虽然你说的应该是对的,但你给的Wiki 连接讲的是"Where a person dies intestate", 也就是没有遗嘱的情况
        • 律师清楚对我讲,安省family law高于遗嘱的。大家可能还不知道,在安省当你结婚那一刻,婚前的遗嘱就作费了。现在明白加拿人为什么不愿意结婚了吧。
          • 我同意你所说的。但你所给的连接和你说的不是一回事。
          • 请教,family law高于遗嘱,不代表一定要欺负或推翻遗嘱吧?是不是在大家都同意遗嘱的时候,就是按遗嘱执行,有异议上法庭,那才用family law来进行判决?还是那个感觉,如果遗嘱立着没用,那就直接取消遗嘱这个玩意好了,大家都直接上法庭走family law好了
            • Whenever a Will is drafted,
              care should be taken to ensure that the allocation of assets to the
              spouse meets the minimum requirements to which the spouse is entitled to at law. If spouses
              agree that a lesser allocation is acceptable, they should complete a Marriage Contract to confirm
              their agreement and confirm that the surviving spouse will not exercise his or her strict legal
              • 法律没问题。说的比较清楚,不是will不管用,只是法律希望保障家属利益。如果will没有给够,且家属不满意,提出诉讼,有相关法律支持调配。
                不是简单一句family law比will谁优先,will也是法律支持和保护的,只是在出现认为will不公,且提出异议的时候,family law支持进行合理调配而已。法律这样处理基本符合正常的思维,国内也应该差不多吧,无非是保障每个人的基本权益
      • 找了个法律问答,似乎不是你解释的这样呵,真把人整的有点晕了,按说,法律条款多数都是按照大多数人的正常思维进行处理的,要是有专业的给解释解释,也是好事呵
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Question:
        We're married. What happens to my partner's property if they die?

        If you were married and not separated or divorced at the time your partner died, then what happens to your partner's property depends on whether they had a valid will.

        A will is a written legal document that says who gets a person's property after that person dies.

        To be valid, your partner must have followed certain rules when making their will. For example, the rules say that a will must usually be signed by the person making it and by two witnesses.

        If your married partner had a valid will, you can choose to get either:

        what your partner left you in that will, or
        an equalization payment: an equalization payment is money one married partner pays to the other to divide the increase in the value of the couple’s property that happened during the marriage
        If your married partner's will isn't valid or if they didn't make a will, you can choose to get either:

        your share based on legal rules, called "intestacy rules", that say who inherits property when there is no will
        an equalization payment: an equalization payment is money one married partner pays to the other to divide the increase in the value of the couple's property that happened during the marriage更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 如果配偶不在了,孩子和老母谁有优先权?孩子和他都是加拿大籍,老母在中国是中国人。不想给老母,因为给了也是到兄弟姐妹腰包里去(和中国兄弟姐妹关系不好)