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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 各位大神, 最近老公把他的名字从房子Title上去掉了(原来是我和他的名字一起的),然后Mortgage我也从新做了一此(现在只用我的名字因为我是唯一的Title Owner)。 我们的律师在收费的时候又收了我们一次Land Transfer Tax,说是政府规定的。 请问这个正常吗? +1
    • 不重新做贷款不行吗?
      • 我的银行specialist和律师都说要做replacement mortgage如果要把我老公的名字从Mortgage和Ownership title都除掉的话。我只是不确定为什么要从新交一次Land Transfer Tax, 这属于正常的费用吗?
        • 律师正常劳工须查证 +2
          • ?? 什么意思? +1
        • 貌似被黑了....律师水平不行吧。
    • 变更产权,应该是正常收费。不确定的话,你可以去政府问问。
      • Some person(s) do not pay land transfer tax on certain transfers of land. The exemptions include: +1
        Some person(s) do not pay land transfer tax on certain transfers of land. The exemptions include:

        certain transfers between spouses
        certain transfers from an individual to his or her family business corporation
        certain transfers of farmed land between family members
        certain transfers of a life lease from a non-profit organization or a charity.
        A deferral of land transfer tax may be available when land is transferred between affiliated corporations, and notice of the transfer is not registered on title.
    • a transfer from two co-owners to one owner attracts a land transfer tax payment, unless the co-owners are spouses
      • 这个是律师事务所的专业答案。需要回答问题的时候房产投资人,经纪都不见了。喊涨涨涨的时候一个比一个积极。相互呼应,彰显团队精神。 +5
        • 各司其职,有必要什么都扯到经纪上吗?
        • 现在是长周末,好吗?
      • 他们不是夫妻吗?
      • 我的理解是,如果房子还有贷款,贷款部分还是要付land transfer tax的。房子可以转让给孩子,也是同理。
    • 哪个律师,这么能干? +1
      • 不按规矩的多收税滥收税,省(市)政府也绝对不会给这样的律师事务所颁发锦旗的呀! +1
    • 绝对错误,父母夫妻转TITLE都不需要交。
    • 如果是您们妻夫俩的自住房(principal residence)亦即在登记产权时作为“婚房”(matrimonial residence)登记的,那么产权(Title)的登记方式就是 joint ownership,变更为任何其中的一个人,transfer都是$0的呀! +2
      • 估计LZ不是自住房喽