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'true north' by Isaac Julien @ ROM

True North (2004) contains reflective images of the sublime, using the landscape as a key location and theme, offering a fascinating, new visual reading of space and time and its relation to counter histories. It is inspired by the story of Matthew A. Henson, African American explorer and one of the first people to reach the North Pole accompanying Robert E. Peary.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 北境 +5
    • 改风格了,,,有点像古埃及法王往生神界的历程 +1
      • 这个我自己写完看也觉得挺新鲜的~~按一朋友的话说,力道很猛,不象出于女子之手啊:D
        • 出于女子之脚,,,,,lol,,,,,,,俺写过一首类似的诗,发在肉联上,竟然连id都找不到了,某小版主连人带马砍,是不是把俺当啥敌了,,lol +1
          • LOL 没事不要惹我:D
            • 俺有事,俺走先
    • 若初才女啊,很有气势的说。。。
      • 发个贴差点没把我累S。。。看来IE已经被老大摈弃
    • 'true north' by Isaac Julien @ ROM
      True North (2004) contains reflective images of the sublime, using the landscape as a key location and theme, offering a fascinating, new visual reading of space and time and its relation to counter histories. It is inspired by the story of Matthew A. Henson, African American explorer and one of the first people to reach the North Pole accompanying Robert E. Peary.
    • 矮马,以为说的格姐儿玩蓝道。
    • 真有才~~
    • one more picture +1
      • 这是冰岛的黑沙滩么?~
        • 不知。是true north片里的场景。
    • 读了2次,应该是读懂了。赞气势。
    • 谢谢各位捧场。很少写出这种感觉的东东,特意发这记录一下。
    • 大漠灰烟的赶脚
      • 白的。白茫茫一片真干净~~~
    • 嗯,不错,有点儿在“Truth North"找不着北的感觉. :-)
      • 噢?我指着大海的方向没看见?:D
    • 这气势!悲壮大气,铿锵有力。读完精神为之一振。赞才女!
      • 谢谢艾小小赞美~~~本粉丝感到很惊喜~~
    • 这写的是小北吗? +1
    • 很玄幻的感觉 +1
    • 才看到。拜读了!赞! +1
    • 真好!"我宁愿被光芒吞噬 也要拥抱华彩"很华彩!
    • 虎狼之心,杀人放火金腰带
    • 好!意境很浓,给人带来许多遐想。做个记号,晚上睡前再细细品味。
    • 不错,像是写过仙剧离境的诗歌,挺符合仙神的味道
    • 再次谢谢大家的褒扬~
      关于那只虎,分享下我写时的感受。去博物馆看过这个展览的都知道,true north是个艺术短片。象我贴的两张片一样,画面投影在三个独立巨大的幕墙上,占据约120度视角,观影效果震撼。看完后我又看了第二个短片small boats, 里面反复出现一只美得出奇的豹,和大理石雕刻的浪潮…后来两个片子的意象在脑海里浮现重叠…写下来,就成了现在这样。心有猛虎,才能一心向北~~