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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / 北国风光 +2
    • 美~~~~ +1
    • Nice work!
    • Beautiful! How long is the exposure time for the last photo?
      • about 10-15s, I believe.
        • Thanks! My lens is not good enough, so have to expose for one minute or more. All stars become short lines in the photo. :(
          • <25s should be OK.
    • really nice! 最爱最后一张。深邃,神秘,静籁,只有眼睛,心灵和穹苍的对话。
    • 拍的不错,不过现在这个时候,湖面已经开化了,要小心。
    • 拍摄花絮 +1
      • 一直很想去玩冰钓,不过又怕鱼没钓到人先冻僵了。
    • 美,太美了。已盗图 +1
    • 很美。怎么保存图啊?
      • 用手机打开就可以保存。