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嗯,翻译得很精确。LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 给你买了杯咖啡。:)



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / Kind of , yet not that kind of surprised that Madame De Tourvel is your favorite, Mr. Dumb. What's your make of the relationship between her and De Valmont? Love, hatred, something in between, or something beyond?
    • Do you have any feelings for Cecile? Do you agree that Uma Thurman is her best interpreter? +1
      • the virtue of innocence comes at the expense of substance. Uma Thurman certainly played her role very well.
        • If Tourvel is a theatrical presentation, is Cecile a realistic interpretation? Two contradictory manifestations embodied in one female being?
    • the dynamics between Madame De Tourvel and Vicomt De Valmont is a theatrical presentation and textbook interpretation of the dialectical interaction between man and woman,
      male and female, masculine and feminine. the reciprocate and interchangeable/exchangeable role playing of the hunted and the hunter, the prey and the predator, the slave and the master/slave-driver, the conquered and the conqueror, is so vividly, metaphorically, and metaphysically recounted in the full discourse of chase, seduction, corruption, falling from grace, noble sacrifice, and death in sublimity of the fulfilled man and woman.
      • WHO conquered WHO actually? Love is not about to be or not to be, yet about to conquer or to be conquered?
        • They conquered each other in their own way. Valmont's self-inflicted death and De Tourvel's decisive betrayal of her fidelity is the ultimate tribute they paid in recognizing each other's overwhelming triumph. +1
          • Is that a triumph? Even an overwhelming one ? From your point of view, Tourvel died for her own unbearable guilt or for "love", whichever way you interpreted it?
            • It is a triumph for De Tourvel because she, by surrendering her feminine beauty and impeccable innocence, comes into
              possession of a devil's soul. It is also a triumph for Valmont in the sense that he, through his abnegation of freedom and free will as well, has actually defeated the creator himself by seducing the most impossible object of desire.
        • WHO 是世界卫生组织 +3
          • 捣蛋。。
            • World Health Organization. :)
            • 是的,存心捣乱。
              • 为啥呢?喜欢荡木君的文字,不管是中文还是英文,我不反感。你不喜欢?生他气了?
                • 没有不喜欢,是瞎起哄,荡木的文字挑不出毛病。
                  • 中英文都很厉害,而且有哲理又浪漫,我很敬仰。我觉得有他在ROLIA,是福气呢,是不是?
          • 嗯,翻译得很精确。LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 给你买了杯咖啡。:)


            • 友情通知,大家手里的牡丹楼COUPON赶快用掉吧,下周一4月17日到期。耶。
            • 谢谢,连汉堡一起吃了。
              • 你喜欢牡丹楼吗?我不喜欢它家的咖啡,但超级喜欢它家的SAUSAGE MUFFIN,有蛋没蛋,都很爱。现在全天早餐,我基本可以早餐中餐都吃MUFFIN。
                • 我喜欢吃薯条。你试试星巴克的sausage muffin,我觉得也很好吃。
                  • 吃过,但最后还是定位在牡丹楼。我最爱星巴克的是GREEN TEA LATTE,只爱这款。我每家都有一个品种最爱,然后, YOU KNOW。。。。。
            • 你不是不吃蛋吗?蛋破坏了 SAUSAGE的原汁原味 (#10623658@0) 特别不需要那个蛋 (#10623675@0) 就不吃蛋,气死你。(#10623706@0)
              • 我没要,但是职员说,我有COUPON子,所以,有蛋没蛋都一样,未经我同意就放了上去。打开才发现,但为时已晚,只好了。
                • 那这一句呢?“但超级喜欢它家的SAUSAGE MUFFIN,有蛋没蛋,都很爱。” (#10737378@0)
                  • 哎呀,以后说话真得注意,超级注意,全部被警察局长采石矶同学录了口供了都。你喜欢有蛋的吗?
                    • 上次就说了,喜欢加蛋的,不然太咸。 (#10623656@0)
          • ^_^