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Actually It does matter when it comes to election cycle...and to that end, it matters even to the rule of law - just it will take a much longer time for people to realize

Law, even constitution, reflects the collective conscience of the people about what's right vs what's wrong...it won't change over night, or by one government, or by one PM.. but it will change when the collective wisdom change, for better or for worse

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / CBC最新民调,超过三分之二的加拿大民众认为在Omar Khadr 问题上小土豆做错了 +2
    • 没觉得他对过,这次是错的太离谱了。 +9
      • 我们主流华人社区和加拿大主流民意从来差距甚大。这次倒是很一致了。包括61%的自由党和64%的新民主党的支持者都反对小土豆这个决定 +2
        • Our mainstream Chinese community values hard working and self-independence. +1
          • 别太轻易下结论,这里的人均收入20万,so...
          • 但是有时候在compassion上就显得有些冷血
            • Maybe. People are more likely to be stingy if their money doesn't come through an easy way.
              • 中国有句老话,为富不仁。因为在中国好多有钱人比普通人更缺乏compassion...
                • 一说要交税就变右派算不算,哈哈哈哈
                  • 为什么要交税?保护?被保护了吗
                • Such saying is not used to describe a phenomena, but to criticize certain individuals. Because, by default, being rich leads to more compassion.
                • read it, it is all about compassion,what do you think?it is always easy to say,but,,, really?
            • 切,你刚搞了七个亿就跑来抱怨市里的停车费
        • 想把自己刷成白左的黄左们应该反思主流到底是嘛样了。
    • Wow, even CBC would publish a report like this. +1
    • 应该让TRUDEOU立刻下台。 +4
      • I'd rather he stays until after next election. +1
      • 这二货原来还打算亲自搞个道歉秀,最后生生地把这口S吞回去了。 +3
        • hahaha , this is good one
      • 下次选举前,还有时间再玩两把大的:) +1
      • +1,Not my Prime Minister. +2
    • 靠人数决定人权是文革的方式,当年排华还是议会多数通过,在人权上面投票就是BS +2
      • 你说人权由什么决定?
        • 人权宪法原则
          • 宪法不是人制造的吗? 不是都是由选上去的人制造的吗?
            • 比这复杂,因为不是简单多数就可以修宪,而且要大法官多数同意,所以靠投票是不行的 +1
              • 是的, 但大法官的权是谁赋予的? 最终不是来自选民吗?
                • 理论上是,但实际上为2000万去修改宪法核心是不可能实现的,就一不靠谱的网上投票就想启动修宪,你想太多了,
                  • 是你言不符实
                    • 把你的事实说出来?
                      • 你知 我知,就行了. 不知道就别瞎忽悠了
                        • 我觉得你不知道在玩逻辑游戏而已
                          • ○ 宪法不是人制造的吗? 不是都是由选上去的人制造的吗? -gallery10(Gallery); 21:23 +1 reply
                            • 被选上的人每次不同,你说的是哪次选举? +1
                              • 我只说宪法,和制造宪法的人。我同意你○ 理论上是,但实际上为2000万去修改宪法核心是不可能实现的。
                • 大法官只认法律,跟民意不擦 +2
                  • 那要法律做什么?
                • 而且大法官任命同选民一点关系都没有 +1
                  • 谁任命的
                    • http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2016/08/02/new-process-judicial-appointments-supreme-court-canada
                      • 我根本就不用看,那个任命的人又是怎么来的?
                        • 你以为选掉土豆,换个大法官就会判政府赢?看清了,选谁上台,大法官的任命跟选民无涉
                          • 宪法不是人制造的吗? 不是都是由选上去的人制造的吗? -gallery10(Gallery); 21:23 +1
                            • the only way which can fix the issue from the root is to enact a law pursuant to the section 33 of chatrer of right and freedom by the parliament. I dare say it will never happen. -faucet(源远流长); 22:04 +1
                              • 很难 又不是他们的钱
                                • Parliament里面的人不都你选出的嘛,反映一下民意嘛
                                  • 不是我。
                        • 你没有理解西方是个精密设计三权相互制约的体系,法官是终身制,不是一两次选举可以改变的,
    • Only 29 per cent believed the government did the right thing, and just 35 per cent believed Trudeau had no choice but to offer the apology and financial compensation. +1
      • 29% 十35%=64% +2
        • 原来是标题党,而且这种在线的投票毫无价值,因为反对的更喜欢去网上投票 +2
          • 老猫数学得A+的 +1
          • 还有华人串联投票的。 +1
            • 呵呵,这种投票哪有credit?很多人根本不了解事情复杂,完全凭感觉无理性喷 +1
              • 几百票可以改变percentage, 大多数有正确思维的加拿大人不去投这个票,几千上万律师里有几个去投票的? +1
        • 从这个等式可以看出,你算术达到小学毕业水平是没问题的。但你的理解力应该还没达到小学要求。 +2
    • Fully 71 per cent of respondents agreed the government had "done the wrong thing" and should have fought Khadr in court, where he was suing the government for $20 million for breaching his civil rights. +1
      • Only 29 per cent believed the government did the right thing。
        • and just 35 per cent believed Trudeau had no choice but to offer the apology and financial compensation.
          • ABC老汉不愧是出了名的文盲加数盲。 +3
            • 丢人现眼阿。不过符合反保喷子的智商指标。 +2
    • 我属于这35%. 35 per cent believed Trudeau had no choice but to offer the apology and financial compensation. +2
      • Me too +1
      • 就像枪口抬高一寸的讨论,其实即使政府觉着不得不赔偿,那如果尽可能在程序上拖延而使得士兵遗孀有机会file injunction,而不是偷偷付掉,更多人可能也会理解。 +2
        • 决定赔了就爽快,美兵可以按程序去诉,一切都要按程序来,宪法保证他们的权利。
          • 诉有个屁用,恐怖分子早就把钱转移了。
            • 爱民顿那套房真值200万吗?
              • Omar 这个案的主审法官没必要考虑其它案件或当事人能不能从本案当事人这里拿到钱,非常简单的逻辑都不明白吗?
                • 法官还没有判具体赔偿呢,小土豆急急忙忙给钱了,要不是消息泄露了,加拿大人都不知道有这回事呢。
      • Even if it is true, which I doubt it, our prime minister did a horrible job explaining it to Canadian people...or maybe he feels too entitled to even bother? +1
        • if you read the full report, you would find an interesting point: it is the money which reallymatters, not right or wrong.
          • 我现在也认为Omar Khadr 至今还是加拿大安全的一个威胁
            • 这点我也同意。问题是在2010高院判政府违法的情况下,你有多大的把握能赢这场民事官司?
        • 政府解释得很好,这个赔偿是因为政府违法,与其它无关,那个九枪警察不能用对方是举刀歹徒作借口,一样道理。
          • Apparently that message didn't come across to majority of Canadian people...
            • The fact is that the public opinion does not really matter. it is the law who rules. +1
              • Actually It does matter when it comes to election cycle...and to that end, it matters even to the rule of law - just it will take a much longer time for people to realize
                Law, even constitution, reflects the collective conscience of the people about what's right vs what's wrong...it won't change over night, or by one government, or by one PM.. but it will change when the collective wisdom change, for better or for worse
                • 你没搞懂宪法和法律的区别,想的太简单了,理论上是这样,但这种事情完全不可能到修宪,想太多了,否则就没有人权宪法,只要纳粹了,就一个网上投票就想修宪,而且是修改人权宪法核心、哈哈哈哈 +1
                • I think you are over confident about public opinion. yes,
                  people can vote down the liberal in next election. however, even if CPC is in power, the difference would only be between 10M settlement and 20M compensation. which has nothing to do with public opinion
                • the only way which can fix the issue from the root is to enact a law pursuant to the section 33 of chatrer of right and freedom by the parliament. I dare say it will never happen.
            • 民主吧?法制!
      • TRUDEOU一点儿没有像别的公民那样感到不舒服。这是让俺最愤恨的。
        • 没必要像保守党公民那样感到不舒服吧,
        • 看样子自由党觉得很爽嘛:)
          • 依法办事而已
            • 向钱看的不爽,向法看的很爽,法律得到维护,政府违法得到公正处罚,很爽很爽,好似看到习大大打老虎般的爽。
        • 10M是如何算出来的?交那么多税,应该可以知道钱是怎么花的吧
          • 虽然不想打击你,但是你没权知道。你可以去高院告,赢了让你看;输诉讼费自己出,还是不能。
            • 嗯,只能投票了。民选总理几个亿的开销自由还是有的。尊重小土豆。愿赌服输
          • 更正一下:俺有没有权,由高院决定:)
        • 是不是可以这么理解:如果不是泄密的话,俺连这10M都不知道:(
          • +1
        • 所以说,在这件事上自由党政府一直在撒谎。
        • 俺认为政府做得不对,你说是依法办事。俺问如何依法办事,你说俺没权知道。好像有什么地方不对耶:) +1
          • 独裁国家都这样
    • 其实这样一个结果如果是可靠的话也不意外。这正反应了现在这种草根同精英的越来越大的分歧。法律界专家认为正确,而平民认为是错误。 +2
      • 这同精英认为TRUMP不应上台,而平民硬把TRUMP抬上台。同出一辙,难道西方世界已到穷途末路? +2
        • 源专家,赞
        • 如果任由“精英”们再折腾几年,那才叫穷途末路。美国人民运气好,有个川普。加拿大还看不到希望。。。
      • 俺觉得美国的党派关系要尖锐得多。这的保党自党穿的是一条裤子。
    • 土豆毕竟只是土豆.....还是去教戏剧可能更好些..... +3
      • 那喜儿去卖保险好了。 +3
    • 土豆就等着Khadr 接着参加恐怖组织了。 +1
      • 如果土豆任命这小子当国防部长我都不奇怪 +4
        • 那加拿大就该易帜isis旗了。
    • 剩下三分之一就是各种驴教徒。好可怕。