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CS. After first semester (not even first year), offered coop position in CIBC and HEPCOE (had 6 interviews with major banks and insurance corporations), then took the job in HEPCOE,

since it pays 100 dollars more per week than CIBC at 650/week. After spending two coop term in HEPCOE (got 700 in the second term), decided to transfer into actuarial science since IT industry is not doing good. Now being offered a position by Canada Life Financial (biggest life insurance corporation in Canada, also had interviews with Mercer and Towers Perrin, two biggest HR consulting firm in the world) for next term at 720/week, starting this May.

My friends are all working for huge employer, which already guarantee them a permanent position upon graudations.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / YORK大学好吗?
    • 不好,千万别去,
      • SFU和QUEEN‘S哪个好呢?
        • undergrad: SFU, grad. or doctoral, Queen's
          • 我今天收到SFU的录取通知了,我报的是保险清算师。是去SFU还是YORK?
            • 请教
            • York doesn't have actuarial science. Welcome to the field. I'm in actuarial science as well...
            • 拜托,你报的是精算,不是保险清算师。一个是学科,一个可以说是职称。不同的东西。
              • 呵呵,不好意思。能告诉我精算和ACCOUNTING有什么不同吗?
                • 会计和精算是两种完全不同的学科啊,同学,可以说是像比较物理和化学。
                • 完全两码事。
        • QUEEN'S远远好过SFU, 不论本科还是研究生.
          • Right. One of the tops in Canada - U of T, McGill, QUEEN'S, UBC and Western.
            • UW's undergrad is a lot better than your one of the tops in Canada. Same story with SFU. The have very good undergrad faculties.
              • SFU is not bad but much less recognized internationally. It's not comparable with U of T, McGill, QUEEN'S, UBC and Western.
                • In N.A., SFU has very recognized undergrad faculties and it's undergrad programs is better than those you have mentioned, similar to UW.
                  • If you have seen the minimum admission marks to each of the schools, you would have had a different view. And North America is just a small portion of the entire world. Nobody would say SFU is better than U of T.
                    • SFU's undergrad program is better than UT. Nobody would say UW is better than UT but UW's undergrad program is better than UT. SFU's entry requirement is a lot higher than UT as well.
                      • In the last two years, if your GPA was 80+, you would automatically receive scholarship from SFU and U of W. On the contrary, you had to have at least 95+ in order to be granted at U of T.
                        • I got 3000 dollars scholarship from UT Computer Engieering but none from UW Computer Science. My average was 93.
                          • Bad luck. My son got $ 4000 from Commerce Program of UW but nothing from U of T. His average was 96.
                            • UW doesn't have a commerce program.
                              • Well, Administrative and Commercial Studies, samilar program anyway.
                                • UW doesn't have an administrative and Commercial Studies program.
                                  • Check the first year programs offered at UW either on its website or brochure . Don't say something if you don't really know. Western also has Business program.
                                    • University of Western Ontario's initial is UWO. University of Waterloo's initial is UW. You don't even know the initials right, and you accused me not knowing my school. god...
                                      No wonder you are saying people with 80+ gurantee scholarship in UW... geez......
                                      • Well, it's really a misunderstanding. University of Waterloo is well known by its CS. But that's it. If you say its undergraduate program is better than U of T in general, no boday would believe that.
                                        • haha... It's known by the entire Math and Engineering Faculty. Admission to UW Math and Engineering (as well as some select programs such as architecture, optometry, accounting)
                                          is a lot higher than any other universities in Ontario.
                                          • You are right and wrong. U of T's Architecture and Engineering are far better than UW. Dropout rate is as higher as 90%.
                                            • Nope. First of all, you can't measure a program by its dropout rate.
                                              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Second of all, I can gurantee you UT's engineering drop out rate will not exceed 30%. UT's retension rate for applied science is 95%, which means an average of 5% will drop out per year (from UT's provost's performance report). I don't know where is your 90% drop-out rate comes from. The report also further stated that the graduation rate is around 85%, which give a further detail that only 15% drop out in Engineering overall.

                                              Third, UW's average admission to engineering program is a lot higher than UT. UT's website states that 75th percentile admission average for engineering is 92. 25th percentile admission average is 86.4%. That 50th percentile average admission is 89 (data obtained directly from UT's website). But UW's Engineering 50th percentile admission average is 90.8(data obtained directly from UW's website). That means in average, EVERY student entering UW engineering got average 1.8 marks higher than UT's student. In term of 6 subjects required in OACs, that's almost 11 marks per student in total!

                                              Also for your information, UT's overall average admission mark is 83.4% and UW is 85.5%.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                                              • Well, whatever you say and believe, University of Waterloo is not on the same level at all as U of T. Everywhere in the world Uof T is well recognized but UW. Time to sleep.
                                                • Yes. UT is well recognized in its research excellence. I've never doubt that. But in term of undergrad programs, UW and SFU got a much stronger reputation than UT.
                                                  Remember, undergrad is all about lecturing, NOT researching. A good researcher is not always a good lecturer.
                                                  • A good university program is supported by a lot of factors, not just lecturing. Funding is the key, history of academc excellence, library holdings, the interaction / integration of research and lecturing, frequency
                                                    of various seminars, alumni donation, overall environment, location etc all count. .Those are also the key to lure good instructors. With only a few OK programs will never lead a university to an internationally reputed one. Most high school tops go for well known universities and that continuously is the trend. I guess you might be a student at UW. OK, make your dream come true. You can even say the program you are in is much better than that at MIT.
                                                    • In your opinion, the bigger is better... Ok... "Most high school tops go for well known universities and that continuously is the trend." Yes, that's why UW's entrance average is higher than UT's.
                                                      • No. Take last year's Maclean's ranking as an example, UW was even after Guelph which is smaller in size among Comprehensive Winners. U of T has kept No.1 among Medical Doctor Winners for the past 12 years.
                                                        • Yes. I agreed with you UT is the best in Doctoral and Graduate studies. But UW has the best undergrad programs, and also the best student sources, as reflected by entrance marks.
                                                          If you don't believe me on the entrance mark, go to UT's website and download a copy of the provost report and read it by yourself. And do the same thing for UW.

                                                          Also UW's undergrad coop program cannot be compared with any other universities in North America. Our students are working for EVERY sizeable company in Canada, US, HK, and around the world. Our undergrad students are in higher demand than UT's graduate students.
                                                          • Best? Why even behind Guelph? Best of luck to you!
                                                            • ha.. One year's ranking doesn't represent anything. Maclean used to put UW and UT in the same stand by using reputational ranking and UW is always No.1. I will find you a link tonight.
                                                              Maybe then you will be convinced why UW has a better reputation than UT.
                                                            • Here. Reputational Rankings by Maclean. Look under Reputational rankings for all universities. Now you know which school has the best reputation.
                                                              • Thanks. I am aware of that as I had been working with my son for his applicaitons last year. He didn't apply for UW. Although it has been well developed but still a long way to go in reaching the standard like UofT.
                                                                Nobody wants to change your stand. It's good to hold an educated view. Discussion can help lift us to the next level in terms of understanding how the universities work here
                                                                • Overall standard, I agree, since UT is a very strong research-intense university. Undergrad standard, well, UW has long surpasssed UT.
                                                                  • How long? From 1827 to 2003 or from 1957 to 2003?
                                                                    • At least 10 years, as measured by Maclean's overal university reputation ranking, which puts UW and UT into the same ranking.
                                                                  • In the last 11 years, UW only ranked No.1 twice among comprehensive winners.
                                                                    • UW is a good university but not as good as here it is said.
                                                                      • Look at Reputational rankings for all universities, it won't lie...
                                                                    • Also in the last 10 years, UW is ranked No.1 in Overall University Reputation ranking (measures ALL universities, including doctoral level university such UT).
                                                                      UW may not be good in every category. But it certainly is the most reputable university in term of undergrad studies.
                                                                      • Jeff is really a smart cat! Your dad must be proud of you. What do you take at UW? Computer Science or Computer Engineering?
                                                                        • CS. After first semester (not even first year), offered coop position in CIBC and HEPCOE (had 6 interviews with major banks and insurance corporations), then took the job in HEPCOE,
                                                                          since it pays 100 dollars more per week than CIBC at 650/week. After spending two coop term in HEPCOE (got 700 in the second term), decided to transfer into actuarial science since IT industry is not doing good. Now being offered a position by Canada Life Financial (biggest life insurance corporation in Canada, also had interviews with Mercer and Towers Perrin, two biggest HR consulting firm in the world) for next term at 720/week, starting this May.

                                                                          My friends are all working for huge employer, which already guarantee them a permanent position upon graudations.
                                                                          • Good boy! No wonder you are so you defensive when it comes to your school. My son is very good too. He got two offers from the States but half scholarships wouldn't cover hugh expenses there.
                                                                            • Won't he get income if he gets two job offers in US?
                                                                              • No, those were admission offers from Ivey league schools.
                                                                            • First year I got 7500 in provincial and federal scholarship. And also 3000 bursary. 10500 free money.
                                                                              • 这贴子可真是严重右倾啊
                                                                              • You have saved your parents a lot of money!
                                                                                • For all of us who are in coop programs in UW, we don't need a cent from our parents to support ourselves. We are totally financially independent.
                                                                                  • Good attitude! You will be well-rounded soon.
                                                  • UW and UT are not even on the same level. Any college can raise its requirement for one particular course, and say that course is the best in N.A.
                                                    • Nope. If you don't have the reputation, you can't attract the student. That's why UW's undergrad entrance average is higher than UT.
                                                      Noted that entrance average is the students' average mark actually ENTERING UW. Not the admission or requirement mark which UW set up...

                                                      That's why OVERALL, UT has to keep their admission mark low in order to attract students, thus resulting in a low entrance average.
                                                      • Not true that "UT has to keep their admission mark low in order to attract students". Since UT has a much larger department , potentially the 50th ranked UW freshman could have same mark as 1000th ranked at UT.
                                                        • So what? Then you have more people with high mark and more people with low mark. Then your average should be balanced out.
                                                          • Seems that you are unable to grasp onto my idea, so I'il make it plain. The point is that if UW accepts the same number of students, the cutoff mark will be lower than that of UT.
                                                            • I don't think so. This can be reflected by average mark. Since you claim that "the 50th ranked UW freshman could have same mark as 1000th ranked at UT". From the beginning, I am not comparing cut-off mark.
                                                              There is a distinct difference between cut-off mark and average mark. I hope you can understand the difference between them.
                                                              • My point is only to show that there is no comparison when the admission number differs by too much. Let me put it into another perspective,
                                                                if UT is accepting the same number of students as UW, the cut-off mark, or average mark if you like, would be higher than that of UW.
                                                                • Your point is not valid. Even UT itself compare its average mark with the rest of the Ontario's universities in its provost's report. Download a copy from UT's website.
                                                                  Why the hack I'm arguing with you?

                                                                  Let's see who can find a job faster and make more money after graduation.
                            • With 96 average, he got scholarships from UBC, Western, York, Queen's McGill but U of T. All commerce related programs.
                          • that only means that UW is poor compare to UT.
                            • That means UW's average mark of entrance is a lot higher than UT. That's the reason it's tougher to get scholarship. Based on your opinion, and the other guy is saying, UBC, Western, York, Queen's McGill
                              are all richer than UT. Since with 96 average, his son doesn't get scholarship from UT but the rest gave him scholarship.

                              A university doesn't give you scholarship doesn't mean it's poor. Come on, 不要自欺欺人。
                                • So what? 一个学校不给你奖学金是因为他没钱,太自欺欺人了吧?
                                  • UT has more funding and offers many more scholarships than that of UW. It is obvious that there are less scholarships available for less funded universities.
                                    • You claim that university cannot issue scholarship because of lack of funding. Then look at post #1108030. That also means UT is very lack at funding than those other universities. Obviously it's not true.
                                      • Well the implication is clear that a mark of 96 does not warrant a sholarship in the particular department in concern at UT.
                                        This also shows that UT does not need too much incentives to encourage potential applicants, quite a contrary to what you are trying to say in #1108387.
                                        • That means UT doesn't have enough fundings, quite a contrary to what you are trying to say in #1108232
                  • A good undergraduate program consists of at least three parts - high quality students, sufficient funding and faculties. If lack of funding, you can hardly attract good professors.
                    • Good researchers don't equal to good lecturers.
                      • Research depends on funding totally. If there is no money, then no project, no or less pay thus lower quality researchers.
                        • you miss my point. A good researcher is not the same as a good lecuturer. Undergrad forcus on lecturing while grad forcus on researching.
                          • Both need money, a lot.
      • 千万别去, 美女太多.
    • If the admission offer comes from Schulich, go for it. Schulich undergraduate(BBA) is one of the best programs in Canada. Less than 10% Chinese students in Schulich BBA.
      • 呵呵,要是schulich的我早就不用由于了,问题是要我先在ATKINSON上一年,成绩好才能转SCHULICH
        • 1.ATKINSON要转SCHULICH,极难。2。SCHULICH也就那么回事,我在批BBA's finance assignments, 没几个能让我给表扬的。
          • “不通”是york的老师?
            • 不够资格。只是批阅些商学院的作业,赚点外快。
              • 那你是在学研究生吗?ATKINSON到底能不能上啊?!
                • 想上就上呗。
            • 这里second year就可以批first year的作业了。$10/hr.
              • 这不是商学院的价格吧?
                • Faculty of Math的价格。
                  • 这么说数学系真穷啊,10/ 不像是大学里的价,像是餐馆里的。the rate in B-school is around $25 per assignment, and normally one assign won't cost you more than half hour
                    • Here, one assignment cost you 2 min...Compare the answer with sln set, no thinking required... Their works worth only $10/hr.
      • 据说从YORK 的ATKINSON毕业都发给BBA 证书,BBA非常普及,好拿。
        • 不会有这种事吧
          • No way. BA from Atkinson, BBA from Schulich. different.