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Doing philosophy requires both patience and discipline, because philosophical inquiry requires long hours of hard work. One must be prepared to commit huge amounts of time to laboring over issues both difficult and subtle. People who avoid philosophy often complain that thinking about philosophical questions makes their heads hurt. This is unavoidable: if the answers seem to come easily to you, your inquiries almost certainly are superficial. To do philosophy, one must commit oneself to pain. Those who value truth recognize that there is no shortcut to it: every advance must be fought for tooth and nail.

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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术 / 转一篇入门级文章《什么是哲学》
    • 逻辑(logic )不仅仅是induction, deduction 和 abduction, 还有些不怎么靠谱的东东,哲学家们好像很喜欢,呵呵。
    • Epistemology讨论什么是知识
    • Metaphysics 是很多哲学家们用花言巧语也要避开的东东。
    • Axiology 当中的ethics是容易让人走火入魔的东东。
    • 哲学思考是件让人头疼的事情,想当然地死记硬背一些东东,然后自欺欺人地认为自己懂了,如果是这样,就等着倒霉吧。
    • 其中一段特重要,单拎出来放这儿。
      Doing philosophy requires both patience and discipline, because philosophical inquiry requires long hours of hard work. One must be prepared to commit huge amounts of time to laboring over issues both difficult and subtle. People who avoid philosophy often complain that thinking about philosophical questions makes their heads hurt. This is unavoidable: if the answers seem to come easily to you, your inquiries almost certainly are superficial. To do philosophy, one must commit oneself to pain. Those who value truth recognize that there is no shortcut to it: every advance must be fought for tooth and nail.