枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 艺术,政治,还是啥? What have you seen on the surface or underneath? 如果管理员觉得不妥,请明示,我会hide the picture。 谢谢。加一句,请千万别在办公室,或有人的场合看。:)
Maybe the painter wanted to be different. I'd say that this painting is different. That's it. Art should be beautiful. Don't see any beautifulness in this thing.
-sailor(Ocean & Mountain);
When it comes to so-called "modern art", too many things are so controversial and debatable. IMHO, the only purpose of art should be for beautifulness, not for society, not for politics, not for fairness, not for any other things.
-sailor(Ocean & Mountain);