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sorry for late reply. I can't input Chinese right now..

1. live in Yi Min zhi jia. I found them on web. I think they are the same, clean, good, and you can cook there! about 40$ per day. If you go there recently, asking them how far it is to Skytrain. Because of the Bus strike, close the skytrain station must be must more convenient!!

2. We take the bank draft, the limitation amount. and then take back. US dollar is ok.

3. We put the luggage in the landload's loft for time being. Next time we probably will stay Vancouver for some time. Or you can mail to your friend in other city, I am not sure how much is it?

4. I heard that, but we didn't do it this time.

thank you!
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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 短期登陆的一些亲身体验
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛6.21登陆温哥华:

    飞机上填申报单时就迷糊了, 我们即不是访客,又非居民,后来海关官员只是很简单地替我们填上”移民“。


    入境时准备了一份goods imported 和一份goods to follow. 结果被告之"goods imported list" is NOTHING。如果你没有下次带入的东西, 一分钟搞定,如果你需要goods to follow, 官员开始仔细审查。
    3。要求提供产品的serial No, 如果没有,下次入境时需提交购物发票。


    要确认回程机票,需返回楼上3/F的check in国际厅.




    上了飞机才意识到根本没人在护照上盖章! 加国如何知道我们离境了呢?奇怪。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 呵呵。你们行动好迅速呀。SIN卡办好了?回来呆多久再过去?
      • thanks.. maybe we will return it in end of Nov. yeah, we applied the SIN cards.
    • 请教几个问题?
      fengfeng ,你好
      因landing paper 快到期,我和我爱人准备去一趟加拿大,时间定到9月中旬,从北京出发到多伦多,然后一起回来. 购双程机票,电话询问最低价7800.00元. 不知你所购机票价钱多少?现请教几个问题:
      1 登陆时
      (1).你的帖子上说"Goods to follow"是什么意思,是不是下次登陆带的东西.如果是,那下次带东西是不是还可以免税?
      2 登陆后
      (1) 在加拿大,你办了哪些事情,申请SIN了么?
      3 出境
      (1) 相机电器是从国内带过去的吧?
      • sorry also for late reply and for can't input chinese right now.
        The air tickets we bought are not in hot-season, so it's quite cheap, the philipine airline, HK$3970 each.

        1(1)you're right.
        (2) we confirmed the return tickets immediately when we arrived at the vancouver airport. the purpose is for sure that we can fly back on time, hehe..:)

        2. (1)we only applied SIN card, submitting the address of landload address.

        3.(1)yes. as the following post the camera is not necessary to declare anyway.
        (2)no need.

        hope it helpful..
        • 我们订的也是菲航。不知飞行多久,11:05起飞,到温市大概是什么时候?从皇岗过关赶11:05的飞机,几点出发合适?皇岗是24小时通关吗?
          • 中午12还是1点多到。时间不错, 而且菲航移民少,排队比较快。飞马尼拉1:45小时, 中间停2小时,再飞温约13小时。吃过晚饭抓紧睡会觉,到晚上半夜时分(北美早晨)就开始不断送这送那来折腾你,所以我感到到时差特别严重。
            皇岗不是24小时通关。如果有车直接送你们去机场,9点就行了, 11点只是入匝时间,好像是近12点才飞。 而且在HK机场要将中国护照收过去(因为没菲的visa, hehe:), 在马尼拉机场,写的是去旧金山的航班, 莫名其妙。
    • 我也有问题请教
      • sorry for late reply. I can't input Chinese right now..
        1. live in Yi Min zhi jia. I found them on web. I think they are the same, clean, good, and you can cook there! about 40$ per day. If you go there recently, asking them how far it is to Skytrain. Because of the Bus strike, close the skytrain station must be must more convenient!!

        2. We take the bank draft, the limitation amount. and then take back. US dollar is ok.

        3. We put the luggage in the landload's loft for time being. Next time we probably will stay Vancouver for some time. Or you can mail to your friend in other city, I am not sure how much is it?

        4. I heard that, but we didn't do it this time.

        thank you!
        • 银行汇票的收费如何?这么办手续费加其他费用是多少?没在银行开户也能办sin卡?thanks.
          • 我在HK办的汇票, only HKD60 for it if you have account in the bank. 办SIN卡无需银行开户,护照和移民纸,并填写申请表就行。
            • 非常感谢。
            • 是在HK上机前办的汇票么?是否需要在HK的银行开户?还是直接带CASH到HK?
    • 我也想近期到温哥华登陆,3-5天回来,据说持有LANDING PAPER AND PASSPORT 一个多小时即可办理SIN。请答复。
      • 用不着一个多小时,半个小时内就可完成,不过要等两个星期才会把SIN寄给你罢了。
        • goods follow 是下次你要带的可以免税的东西清单。 返程机票在目的地停留超过72小时以上回来时需要打电话确认座位。 直接申请sin. 相机无所谓。 护照回来不盖章。
          • If I land on Canada the second time, everything on the "Goods to Follow" will be waived taxes?
            • sure.
              • What if the second time I land on is several months later?
          • 护照不盖章,哪怎么知道出入过境及是否超过183天,好奇怪哇!
            • 不用操心加拿大的电脑系统啦。
      • right. I think we finish it in 15 minutes. but I believe it depends on different office. some branch office maybe busy and the landlord told us that at the end of each month more immigrants arrived.
      • 我也想最近登陆,一周左右回来,请问你从哪出关,可同行吗?我在北京.
        • 我在河北,北京出关。
      • 确有其事,理SIN卡很快。只需LANDED PAPER 和 PASSPORT 即可。如果在住房接机和旅游方面需要帮忙,与我联系电话(604)779-6850 或(604)267-6496。 温哥华欢迎你。
    • 请教:如果我和老公小孩登陆后一星期即返回,用不用办返加纸??谢谢!
      • 如果你不准备在国内呆过182天,应该不用