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Who is eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage?

Who is eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage?

Generally speaking, Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants, convention refugees (protected persons), or a person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act, or others listed in Regulation 552 under the Health Insurance Act are eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage provided they :

Make their primary place of residence in Ontario, and
Are physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 在美国工作的加籍人士 每年两边报税 家属孩子一直都住在加拿大 一年回加时间累计不超过两个月 请问还可以用健康卡看病吗?因为看到了这个新闻 想问问这个问题 如果不可以 那我们每年报加拿大的税时交的那个健康税是怎么回事?谢谢
    • 健康卡不能用, 税要交。 我的会计师解释过,我忘了具体为什么。 +2
    • 你自己用健康卡看病试试不就知道了?
      • 试过 可以看病 这样是不是就说明是符合规定的?
        • 我觉得你自己用健康卡看病试试,又简单,又准确。
          • 试过 可以呀
            • 以你试过的为准。 +1
            • 不要知法犯法,得不偿失 +2
              • 你是在说楼主去看病的诊所知法犯法吗?
              • Who is eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage?
                Who is eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage?

                Generally speaking, Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants, convention refugees (protected persons), or a person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act, or others listed in Regulation 552 under the Health Insurance Act are eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage provided they :

                Make their primary place of residence in Ontario, and
                Are physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period.
                • "Are physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period."
                  • 不知道OHIP对楼主的这种情况是否有通融。
                  • 这153天是必须连续吗?断断续续的累积可以吗?每个周五回加周一走,一年52个星期再加上圣诞节的两周假就凑够了
                    • 153天是条件之一,还有其他条件, 根据官网:
                      Who is eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage?

                      Generally speaking, Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants, convention refugees (protected persons), or a person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act, or others listed in Regulation 552 under the Health Insurance Act are eligible for Ontario health insurance coverage provided they :

                      - Make their primary place of residence in Ontario, and
                      - Are physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period.
                      • 怎样理解 Make their primary place of residence in Ontario?配偶孩子都在安省住 报税也是按照安省的居民报的算吗?
                      • 153天累计可以吗?
                        • 我党得可以累计。
            • 你最好打电话或亲自去问OHIP
              • 我觉得这是应该的。
        • 可能会被找后帐,记得是离境半年回加要等3个月才行,不是说健康卡无效了。 +1
    • FYI -- OHIP Fraud +3
      • Under the Criminal Code of Canada Section 380, a person convicted of fraud exceeding $5,000 could be imprisoned up to 10 years. Restitution may also be ordered under the Criminal Code.
      • Honesty is the best medicine +1
    • 该死的土豆政府,就知道欺负老百姓,这是典型的英国佬佬爷作风。
    • 纯粹理论上说,健康税是一种payroll税,不是费用。既然不是费用,那么就不是付了钱就能用 +1
    • 在亚省就没问题,前两年我在美国工作就这样做的。这里没有时间限制及医疗税。我为加拿大交了税,看病理所应当。 +2
      • +100
      • 曼省也是,没有等三个月的要求