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you'll want to log into your Personal Online Banking by clicking here: https://go.td.com/1eaISlq. Once you have successfully logged in, you'll next want to scroll towards the bottom of your page until you're able to review your credit card(s). In this same section, you should a green hyperlink that reads 'Get your credit score.' By clicking this link, you'll be redirected to CreditView, and after clicking 'Yes, continue', a new window should open that includes your credit score, as well as additional helpful information!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 在筛选房客时候, 怎样去信用局查对方真实信用记录?? 需要sin号码吗??
    • 房客给什么就看什么。如有怀疑,让他拿出手机,登入他们自己的银行网站,手指点点点就能看到信用分,这样就能知道有无问题。五大行银行卡及许多信用卡online banking都可
      • 真不知道,银行卡能看到自己的信用分数?
        • 信用卡可以。CAPITALONE就可以 +1
        • All online banking of the five big banks. You can have a look by yourself.
          • 起码TD没有吧
            • First, +3
              you'll want to log into your Personal Online Banking by clicking here: https://go.td.com/1eaISlq. Once you have successfully logged in, you'll next want to scroll towards the bottom of your page until you're able to review your credit card(s). In this same section, you should a green hyperlink that reads 'Get your credit score.' By clicking this link, you'll be redirected to CreditView, and after clicking 'Yes, continue', a new window should open that includes your credit score, as well as additional helpful information!
          • thank you for the info
          • 在td在网银什么位置可以看到?
        • 我知道RBC, SCOTIABANK可以,其它银行不清楚。 +1
          • And CIBC/simplii for sure.
            • Where can I see my credit score on my CIBC account? Thanks.
      • 有没有办法去信用局查?
        • 当然可以。需要租客签字同意。 这是最保险的办法。 Equifax有这服务。
    • TransUnion, Equifax等都可以一年一次免费credit report。不过申请后等的时间有点长。自己去查一下,才20块钱左右?相比出租收入,这点钱不算什么。当然,一般叫房客自己提供。 +2
      • 需要啥,对方SIN?
    • 我同事说他用一个网站查,好像叫landlordtenants credit什么的,查一次3,40块钱
      • good to know。thanks
    • 工作不好不需要花冤枉钱去查,工作很好也不用花冤枉钱去查了,确认工作是真的就行,中间工作一般的而且实在找不到更好才去查查信用
      • 信用分远比工作重要。收两个offer,工作没问题,信用奇烂。人的本质比外部条件重要。
        • 信用粉低是不是也要看看具体社么原因,如果是信用卡额度over use或者忘记or晚付账单等造成的原因是不是可以谅解啊
          • 信用低都是有collection,
            • 哦是这样啊,以为很多因素都影响信用分的 +1
              • 没啥因素了,就是欠钱,
    • 不需要SIN。信用报告你花点钱自己查,不要让租客给你。这比工作更重要。 +1