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饺子, 我朋友是在PORT MOODY的BELCARRA PARK钓螃蟹, 他说不清具体地址, 不过你可以到www.britishcolumbia.com/ParksAndTrails/Parks/details/?ID=484去查查详情. www.britishcolumbia.com上还有其他的很多钓鱼地点, 你可以挑选挑选.

Anglers and crabbers use the dock at Belcarra as an excuse to spend some time in the outdoors. Water quality is often suspect, especially for its effect on bottom feeders, but this doesn't keep fishermen from enjoying their catch.

From Burnaby or Coquitlam it will take you 30 minutes to drive around the east end (Port Moody) of Burrard Inlet to reach Belcarra Regional Park and buntzen Lake Recreation Area. Follow Hastings Street east through Burnaby to its junction with the Barnet Highway, then east to Port Moody. As you enter Port Moody, turn left onto St. John's Street; six stoplights later, turn left again onto well-marked Ioco Road. Ioco Road soon turns left at an intersection marked by a green GVRD sign pointing the way to Belcarra. The route to Buntzen lies straight ahead at this well-marked intersection along Heritage Mountain Road. Note: There is no public parking in the village of Belcarra, so it is imperative to follow the road that leads to the park's main parking area.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 温哥华的朋友们, 哪位知道哪儿可以采樱桃?看他们多伦多的讨论的那么热闹, 都作樱桃酱了!我问了很多人都不知道, 难道没有吗?我去采过草莓和RASPBERRY,很不错(地址见内). 不过到底是樱桃好吃呢!
    41510 NO.3 RD, YARROW BC TEL:604-823-6844. 走1号HWY, EXIT 104下, 沿着NO.3开4,5公里就到了, 自己不用带容器, 草莓0.8/磅, RASPBERRY 0.95/磅. 采完草莓可以再到CULTUS 省级公园玩玩, 很好的BEACH, 游泳, PICNIC都很好.

    还有一家近很多, 不过我没去过, 听说也不错. 232 ST. NORTH.(HWY 1, EXIT 66 RIGHT TURN ON 72 AVE.)
    • up
    • 請問下個星期天去還會有草莓摘么?
      • 应该有, 我同事昨天去摘的. 注意早点儿去. 1. 好的还没有被别人摘去 2. 太阳不大.
        • Thanks.
    • 我们这个周六去了最近的地方:richmond南边的一个farm,只能摘草莓,没见到摘cherry的。
      • 还有,现在好象已经过了摘草莓的最佳时节了,上面的都没了,底下才有
    • 唉, 也许真的没有, 刚才在网上搜索了半天, 倒是找到很多在VICTORIA的, VANCOUVER附近的竟然找不到.
    • 我刚刚路过那里, 买了一些回来. 比起美国, 价钱太便宜了. 可我们买太多了, 呵呵
      • 饺子已经到VANCOUVER了, 欢迎欢迎.
        • 谢谢, 温哥华还是这么美丽
        • 饺子已经到Canada了,hoho~~~
    • 都什么季节了,樱桃都掉地上发芽了,明年吧,今年是过季节了!
      • VANCOUVER的樱桃正是当季, 多伦多的大概过季了.VANCOUVER比TORONTO凉快很多的. :-)
    • 去 PENTINCTANT, OSOYOS 那里,从温哥华开车去要3 - 4 小时。 一路有许多的农场,现在正是摘樱桃的时候,到八月份就是摘桃子的时候。另外,PENTINCTAN 的 OKENAGEN 湖也很好玩的。
      • 哇赛! 这么远呐, 不过我也听说OKENAGEN很棒, 谢谢!
      • 钓鱼的情况如何? 能多介绍一点吗?谢谢!
        • 钓鱼似乎不用走那么远, 如果你也愿意钓螃蟹, 西温和LANEY附近就可以了.
          • 要什么工具?(另多谢提供床垫信息已经搞定!)
            • 工具是那种四四方方的铁筐子, 在钓鱼商店就有的买. 不过要办证喔, 而且每次只能抓4只, 还得够一定的尺寸. 其实证也很便宜, 一年20几块钱.
              • OK IC
          • 真的?有地址电话吗?
            • 我要问朋友具体的地址. 明天贴上来.
              • 好! 谢谢ZJOY, 明天我来看帖 :)
            • 饺子, 我朋友是在PORT MOODY的BELCARRA PARK钓螃蟹, 他说不清具体地址, 不过你可以到www.britishcolumbia.com/ParksAndTrails/Parks/details/?ID=484去查查详情. www.britishcolumbia.com上还有其他的很多钓鱼地点, 你可以挑选挑选.
              Anglers and crabbers use the dock at Belcarra as an excuse to spend some time in the outdoors. Water quality is often suspect, especially for its effect on bottom feeders, but this doesn't keep fishermen from enjoying their catch.

              From Burnaby or Coquitlam it will take you 30 minutes to drive around the east end (Port Moody) of Burrard Inlet to reach Belcarra Regional Park and buntzen Lake Recreation Area. Follow Hastings Street east through Burnaby to its junction with the Barnet Highway, then east to Port Moody. As you enter Port Moody, turn left onto St. John's Street; six stoplights later, turn left again onto well-marked Ioco Road. Ioco Road soon turns left at an intersection marked by a green GVRD sign pointing the way to Belcarra. The route to Buntzen lies straight ahead at this well-marked intersection along Heritage Mountain Road. Note: There is no public parking in the village of Belcarra, so it is imperative to follow the road that leads to the park's main parking area.
              • 谢谢ZJOY, 我查一查这个网站. :)
      • 最好能在那里住一晚上,这样第二天去摘,完了就回来。不过这几天那里热的够呛,回到温哥华的感觉简直就象回到 天堂似的。好象没见到在湖里钓鱼的,只见游泳和玩水上运动的。
    • 樱桃好吃么?我小时候吃了樱桃就@#$%,以后就没敢再碰.
      • 国内的樱桃是不好吃,酸!这里的又大又甜,是不是品种不一样?反正很好吃,你试试把,在chinatown买,$1.99一磅。
        • 多谢!
        • 吃过了.味道好极了!