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Trump version:

Another case that was a perfect fit [for my organizational talents] was Andrew Ten, who lived in California. He needed desperately to come to the East Coast because a very rare and very dangerous medical condition threatened his life. His parents felt that they had exhausted the medical options in the West and wanted this brave three-year-old to have the best shot possible at overcoming his challenge. They wanted him to be seen by doctors at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

The problem was that the commercial airlines refused to fly the child. He couldn’t leave his home without a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a device to help him breathe, and other medical gear. Like all good parents, Andrew’s searched high and low for a solution. Eventually they called me. Though I had never heard of this family, my heart immediately went out to them. And when it was time, so did my Boeing 737, with three nurses on board.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 1995年,川普和他的第二任妻子玛拉的豪华轿车在高速路上爆胎,有路过的司机帮助他换了车胎,川普对这人的回报是帮他还清了房贷还送一束花,其实这人要求的只是一束花。本视频是有人问川普这事是不是真的,川普说:是真的。 +2
    • 川普还为一个被当地医院拒绝收治的男孩动用了自己的私人飞机, 送那个男孩去收治他的医院治疗! 当那个男孩的妈妈毫无办法又要救自己的儿子时, 有人跟她说可以试试打电话给川普, 听说他是个好人, 那母亲就试了。。 +4
      • 这个妈妈后来在川普的竞选中帮他呐喊助威。 +1
      • I like this story! +2
      • But why did the hospital reject the boy? It shouldn't have happened in the first place. +1
        • The paper report +1
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Orthodox Child with Rare Ailment is Rescued Aboard Tycoon’s Jet

          The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

          The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

          Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

          Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

          “Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,'” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here.

          Asked why he thought Trump made his private jet available, Ten replied, “Because he is a good man. He has three children of his own and he knows what being a parent is all about.”

          Ten said he believes that Trump fulfilled the Talmudic saying that “he who saves one person’s life is as if he saved the entire world.”

          Among the relatives at the airport to greet the child and his parents were the paternal grandparents of the sick boy.

          “Donald Trump is a miracle, just a miracle,” said grandmother Feigy Ten, who came to the airport with her husband, Phillip Ten.

          Both grandparents thanked Trump’s generosity over and over again.

          Andrew, who is called by his Hebrew name, Avraham Moshe, was taken from the airport to the Schneider Children’s Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center for treatment and evaluation.

          Andrew was healthy at birth, but one morning when he was 10 months old he suddenly stopped breathing. The second incident occurred six months later. Doctors had no explanation and to date have not determined what is causing him to stop breathing.

          Andrew has not cried in the last two-and-a-half years. He now eats with a feeding tube since he lost his gag reflex and the ability to swallow. He is monitored around the clock by nurses, and sleeps with an apnea alarm.

          Harold Ten said he and his family “are determined to do anything possible to save Andrew. We believe in God and we have hope,” he said.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Trump version: +1
          Another case that was a perfect fit [for my organizational talents] was Andrew Ten, who lived in California. He needed desperately to come to the East Coast because a very rare and very dangerous medical condition threatened his life. His parents felt that they had exhausted the medical options in the West and wanted this brave three-year-old to have the best shot possible at overcoming his challenge. They wanted him to be seen by doctors at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

          The problem was that the commercial airlines refused to fly the child. He couldn’t leave his home without a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a device to help him breathe, and other medical gear. Like all good parents, Andrew’s searched high and low for a solution. Eventually they called me. Though I had never heard of this family, my heart immediately went out to them. And when it was time, so did my Boeing 737, with three nurses on board.