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A Metro Vancouver man who claims to run a lucrative short-term rental business with about a dozen properties in B.C. is being accused of fraud as he continues to pile up lawsuits over failed listings, claiming millions of dollars in damages.

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  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 温哥华男子租很多房,看名字是华人,放到AirBnB出租,出了问题后,把几个房东告上了法庭
    A Metro Vancouver man who claims to run a lucrative short-term rental business with about a dozen properties in B.C. is being accused of fraud as he continues to pile up lawsuits over failed listings, claiming millions of dollars in damages.
    • 我去,还有这种操作?😂😂租房最ABB,合法吗?现在有没啥法不法的。
      • 我知道很多人在多伦多dt租公寓做airbnb的!都是租很多套的,两三年前的事了
    • 房东碰到这样的人不告他就不错了,他还反过来告房东。这世界真是疯了