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许多屋主说租客因为疫情原因大流行而不付租金(Ontario landlords say some tenants using pandemic as excuse not to pay rent),有的已经有7个月没有付了,卖房都不准许。

Brown said the tenant hasn’t paid the rent for months and won’t move out and he has been frustrated trying to have the matter dealt with by Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board.

“There is no hearing in sight. They have done nothing to help me. They are completely missing in action,” Brown said.

Nana Boateng of Alliston, Ont. bought a condo as an investment to rent out. Boateng said the tenant hasn’t paid the rent in seven months and now he just wants to sell it, but the tenant won't leave or let potential buyers in to see the unit.

“She is refusing to move out again and it is quite unfortunate. These tenants are almost being professional these days and COVID-19 has made it worse," Boateng said.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 许多屋主说租客因为疫情原因大流行而不付租金(Ontario landlords say some tenants using pandemic as excuse not to pay rent),有的已经有7个月没有付了,卖房都不准许。 +1
    Brown said the tenant hasn’t paid the rent for months and won’t move out and he has been frustrated trying to have the matter dealt with by Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board.

    “There is no hearing in sight. They have done nothing to help me. They are completely missing in action,” Brown said.

    Nana Boateng of Alliston, Ont. bought a condo as an investment to rent out. Boateng said the tenant hasn’t paid the rent in seven months and now he just wants to sell it, but the tenant won't leave or let potential buyers in to see the unit.

    “She is refusing to move out again and it is quite unfortunate. These tenants are almost being professional these days and COVID-19 has made it worse," Boateng said.
    • 房价在暴涨中,其实 房东不在乎损失,就是要个理儿
      • 在乎😄 +1
      • 5000的租金,相当于一个8,9万收入的人给你上交工资啊 +1