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After 10 years, your financial situation will be changed.

For example, you have paid off you house and you own 2 cars. Your children got lots of RESP. If your children need 500K now for them to bacome adults in case you passed away, 10 years late, 250K will be enough for the kids to become adults.
So 10 years later, you will need a T10 with 250K not a T10 with 500K. You don't have to buy a T20 with 500K.
You are not expecting to make money with terms insurance, are you? :-) My understanding is that insurance is for getting a balanced life in case something happen.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请帮忙!有了小孩子,想买份保险给小孩一个保障,听了几个顾问,看了好多资料,我已经彻底糊涂了,只好到坛子里找人,请各位给点意见吧!
    • Term
    • term of course.
      • 人家是想给在自己头上买还是孩子头上买都没说呢,怎么就那么容易得出结论是TERM最好?
        • 小 孩 子 是 不 用 买 INSURANCE 的 。
          the basic idea for insurance is : in case u die tommorrow, u family will not suffer FINANCIALLY. the insurance should be enough to gurantee future expenses.
          if a child dies, the family will suffer emotionly, but no financial prob.
          • 小孩当然是要保险的。

            如果没有意外发生,当然最好. 但既然小孩长大了都要买保险,为什么不在小孩小的时候,保费最便宜的时候给他们留一笔财富呢?

            • 咱不明白,有什么保险是你不出任何意外都可以拿到钱的?那个好象 不叫保险叫储蓄或投资吧,请指教啊。
              • 你误会了,我指的意外是指儿女们小的时候出的意外,以后他们长大了总会有生老病死的,他们也还要买保险为他们的小孩,所以如果我们给他们买了,他们到时可以省了这笔钱了。不过,还真有你不出任何意外都可以拿到钱的。
                • 那你需要一直给他买下去吧,否则怎么保险到他的小孩?现在买可能 将来会便宜,可是通胀怎么考虑?如果很不幸他不要小孩怎么办?
                  • 小孩因为年纪小,所以买WL也很便宜,一般都有保证付二十年付清的。如果没有意外,随着Death Value的增值,到他们年老的时候就是很大一笔财富,他们可以有几种选择:
                    1, 有小孩的,可以以后给小孩一部分,也可以自己每年从里弄点钱花花。

                    2,没有小孩的,当然他们也可以每年从里拿点钱花花,不用还,反正最后 死了,从保险里扣。

                    3, 如果他们没有小孩,又需要一大笔钱的话,还有个办法就是,把保险卖给第三者。举个例说: 这个保险价值三百万,他们可以卖给别人,意思他们死了后那人可以拿到保险金,当然这个价钱和他们的年龄和身体状况都有关系,美国有这样的市场交易,一般在保险价值的10%到30%,也就是你可以拿到30万到90万,买的人是不是赚钱就看运气了。

            • 糊涂!对不起,我用这样的字样。
    • 有钱就买全保,没钱就买Term。
      • Please don't misleading here.
        • 没有Misleading啊,有钱的要考虑投资啊,储蓄啊,减税啊,那保险也是分散投资的一种手段啊。 没钱的只要买保障一种功能就可以了,那Term就好了。
    • 如果你是普通人,买TERM。如果你了解投资、保险等等,在综合考虑投资时,别忘了终生保险这个选项。
      • 谢谢各位,我当然是给自己买,如果我有三长两短,小孩子也有个保障,请问Term的有什么好处呢,几个顾问都不讲这个,只讲终身的。
        • 保 险 的 目 的 是 假 设 你 第 二 天 就 死 , 也 不 影 响 家 庭 的 经 济 。 所 以 TERM 就 很 好 。 其 它 险 加 入 投 资 功 能 , 不 伦 不 类 。
          因 为 投 资 是 假 设 你 活 到 永 远 , 用 于 保 障 你 未 来 退 休 生 活 的 , 两 者 目 的 矛 盾 , 绑 在 一 起 太 别 扭 。
          UL 大 概 也 意 识 到 这 个 问 题 , 所 以 给 一 些 TAX上 便 利 。 但 是 RRSP可 以 达 到 同 样 目 的 。 而 且 UL的 保 险 太 贵 了 , 估 计 只 有 较 少 部 分 被 用 于 投 资 。 即 用 于 保 险 的 部 分 比 TERM 贵 很 多
        • TERM就是人寿保险,根据现在的年龄和健康状况等因素计算保费。WHOLE LIFE和UNIVERSAL LIFE是具有投资功能的两种保险形式,保费计算十分复杂,目的是为了让你多花了钱还觉得占了便宜。
          • good point
          • In fact, the most profitable product in life insurance company is term life. The percentage of people die during their term life policy enforced is only 0.2%.
        • 终生保险你投入大,经纪得的佣金多,当然有人就热衷了。
          如果经纪不愿意介绍TERM,可视为不诚实的行为,还是小心为好。前先时对比了一下UL和WHOLE LIFE。花同样的钱,比如买3。5份10万的UL和买一份10万的WL费用相当,按照保险公司的数据,二十年后二者收益相当,再往后WL远远大于UL。UL投资于INDEX FUND,你必须自己操作,随时买卖,否则可能损失惨重。比如十年前NASDAQ是1200点,打伊拉克的时候大概也是这个点数,这意味者,如果你投资了UL的话,在股票高位的时候又没有兑现你的钱,十年后一无所获。另外,UL所说的8%的平均汇报,并不是按复利计算的,实际上只有4%左右。个人一点浅见,TERM是最实在的,如果闲钱很多想投资的话,可以考虑WL.。
        • Agent will get less commission from term. That's why you do not hear term very often.
    • For your kid, for you or your spouse, a 10 yr term is most suitable.
      • why? 小孩十岁了就不要保险了?
        • After 10 years, your financial situation will be changed.
          For example, you have paid off you house and you own 2 cars. Your children got lots of RESP. If your children need 500K now for them to bacome adults in case you passed away, 10 years late, 250K will be enough for the kids to become adults.
          So 10 years later, you will need a T10 with 250K not a T10 with 500K. You don't have to buy a T20 with 500K.
          You are not expecting to make money with terms insurance, are you? :-) My understanding is that insurance is for getting a balanced life in case something happen.
          • Who knows? could be better,could be worse. Another thing: Every mouth you pay now for 500k almost equal to you pay after 10 years for 250k.
            • This is 无心快语. :-)
            • The cost of each year for T20 is higher than the one for T10.
    • it depends your finiancial situation. If you got 1 million in the bank, you don't have to buy any insurance, that will be enough for the kid in cause you passed away.
      But if you don't have too much money in the bank ( < 100K), and you haven't paid off your mortgage, you have to buy one. Otherwise, how your kid can live without you? The terms will be suitable.
      If you have already paid off you house and cars, your family income is over 80K per year, you can buy the universal life or whole life.
      • Agree! I will do it.
      • You still need insurance. In case you killed a person accidently and you are asked for more than $1 million for compansation, you'll go bankrupcy and leave nothing to your next generation.
        • You are right. It's better to put the money to the insurance company.
          • 谢谢各位,相比较而言,那家公司好一点呢?
            • I got a quotation from Canada Life. 34 years old man, non-smoking, T20 insurance 250K, it cost 238 CAD per year.
              • Go on, keep searching. Term for a non-smoker at your age shall be around $15/month.
    • People know nothing about financial planning and taxation planning won't buy WL.
      If you only concern the financial situation of your family in the future 10 or 20 years, term insurance is good enough.
      But if you want a good financial plan for your whole lifes of your families,including your kids, you should consider WL as long as you can afford. For a long term, WL benefits your retirement, taxation, and even might let you have more government security benefits after you retire.