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why u do not see review of this car!!!!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛001 Acura 1.7EL

Where, you're asking, did this Acura come from? Did I
blink? Have I missed something?

Relax, folks, and enjoy what you are about to read. Honda
Motor Corporation抯 Acura 1.7EL is not sold in the United
States. Like Red Rose tea bags and real Molson Export Ale,
the 1.7EL is only available in Canada.

Before my buddies across the border get their knickers in a
twist, I hasten to add that apart from its name and
trimmings, the Acura 1.7EL is almost identical to the car
US residents can buy at any Honda dealer in America. It
drives the same, has the same superb mechanicals and
closely resembles: a top-of-the-line Honda Civic 4-door

If you look hard, however, you抣l notice the Acura logo on
the revised front fascia as well as "Acura" and 1.7EL
identity markings on the trunk lid. There are, however, a
number of trim items which make the 1.7EL look distinctly
more purposeful and more affluent ("Euro-looking" in Honda
pr-speak) than an ordinary Civic sedan.

A plethora of differences
First of all, consider the low-aspect tires with their oversize 15-inch alloy
wheels, the woodgrain trim, the strategically-placed extra chrome. In addition
-- and unlike the Civic sedan (the one available in Canada, anyway) -- the
1.7EL can be had with factory leather seats and a power sunroof.

Think of it this way: If rich folks in North America actually bought smaller
cars to use themselves, rather than as birthday gifts for their spoiled kids,
the Acura 1.7EL would be a rich guy抯 daily driver. He might still have the
4wd Estate for weekends at the lake or for Nanny to use to haul the kids to
French Immersion. But the 1.7EL would be the car he drives to the office

So why is the 1.7EL sold in Canada and not in the US? Well, besides eccentric
Canadian tastes in teas and ales, it appears there are substantive differences
in the car-buying habits of our two peoples. While the Acura Integra 4-door
sedan remains popular in the US, it was too costly for Canadian budgets, which
left Acura dealers with a large gap at the high-traffic end of their product
offerings and led to the first EL, with the then-Civic's 1.6 engine. Based on
a redesigned-for-2001 Honda Civic sedan, the new Acura 1.7EL melds the Civic
platform and the 127 hp dohc VTEC engine from the 2-door Civic Coupe Si with
Acura抯 upscale trim and image.

Much like a top-of-the-line Civic
This seems to work extremely well. Best of all, the EL's not a heck of a lot
more expensive to buy than a top-of-the-line Civic: The difference between the
loaded Civic and the 1.7EL Touring is less than $2000 Canadian. But what you
will buy in terms of image alone makes the 1.7EL worth every extra penny, in
my opinion.

For those dollars, in addition to an upscale image, you get a number of
features, including disc brakes on all four wheels (the Civic has a disc/drum
combo), sharp-looking alloy wheels, woodgrain interior trim items, and a
decent stereo CD system. With the Premium model, you also get standard leather
seats -- not available on the Civic in Canada -- plus a power sunroof.

While the Premium costs another $2000 over the Touring model, we抮e still
talking less than $23,500 Canadian for the full load Premium. For comparison
purposes, such a car might cost around $18,500 in the United States.

In an earlier 2001 Civic review I said the plain-Jane Honda Civic is close to
being the best car available anywhere, for anything near the money they抮e
asking. It comes with all you need in a car: air, decent stereo, great
handling, superb reliability and high resale value -- but perhaps not
everything you might want. The 1.7EL, on the other hand, should not only
satisfy your automotive needs but also, more importantly, your wants.

Happily you can pick up a lot more information on the 2001 Acura 1.7EL from
reviews for the 2001 Honda Civic. However, if you begin by thinking of the EL
as a super-loaded, extra-pretty Honda Civic, you抣l at least be on the right
page. And if enough Americans like this idea, they should pester the heck out
of their dealers.

In tougher economic times an Acura for little more than the price of a loaded
Civic makes for a very attractive package.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 以前看到有朋友讨论Acura1。7EL的。这车到底如何?试后感觉很好,很想咬牙买下,可是还不下价。
    premium :MSRP $24500(AT) + (other fee: 900+100+75+125): = $25700
    +tax = $29555

    好像曾经有朋友说能还价$1700 (before tax)?

    any feedback will be appreciated!

    • 跟accord全power配置一个价。我朋友去年9月买的speical edition。要是我,我会选accord.
      • 你朋友花了多少银子?谢谢!
      • 会选accord? why? 请指教,对我也许很重要!
        • 我印象中是2万9多点,那时利息是5.8%。我坐过,mid-size的车,比civic-acura-corolla宽敞多了,动力也足,150马力。这车比较保值。当时真想换车,可想想比我的靠肉拉总价要贵8000元,将近40%,也就断了这念头。
          • egg, when will you post job hunting experience? thx!
      • 我会选Intergra :)
        • its for couple!
    • 多走几个车行,不要在一个上挂死
      我两个月前也买了一辆Acura,走了几个车行,感觉好坏差距很大,其中在eglinton东边特远的那个是最烂的,还有downtown acura,这两个价格高而且服务态度特别差,woodbine那个新开的还行,价格不是特低,north toronto acura都是亚洲人,交流容易一些,但杀价特狠,missisaga那个有一个印度的(好象是)业务员态度特好,价格算相当不错了。我买车的那个在yonge街北特远,叫sterne acura,最后就是在这家侃到的最低价。
      • 补充一点
      • how much? would you mind?
        • 我是用Civic和他们换的,所以比较复杂,我想1.7EL应该不会侃掉1000以上,很难
          • 我两个回合就砍了1700下来,当时还后悔没耐心多砍点,因为我是$250一个回合,另外还包括终身free oil change.
            • that's a good deal, you are really a good negotiator! btw, which dealer was that?
              • Maybe the manager was in a good mood at that moment. Btw, I am in Vancouver.
      • 能否告知详细地点? 我昨天去的是Queensway&East mall, 服务一般,价格很难谈。
        • 那个应该就是我说的有老印的那个,价格不是特低
        • 地点是15795 Yonge St. Aurora, ON, L4G 1P4 Main Line: 416-324-3232
      • 急着买呀! 老爷车快象坦克啦!很怕它哪天歇在路中央!
        • Simply for curiosity, what model/make is your old car? For my two cents of thought, buying a new car is not the ONLY choice for you. For example, you can buy a used car at its 1-year, 3-year or 5-year old age.
        • Acura: I would appreciate if you could talk sth about your old car. As from my name, I have been driving a 1986-Honda Accord for 2+ years and I am VERY satisfied with it. --- simply a personal opinion.
    • Acura1。7EL= full load honda civic!!! do not buy it. this car just sell in CAnada!
      • no, the engine is exactly same!!!!
      • see review
      • 这车刚上市时我还以为谁的恶作剧把2001Civic Sedan的标志换成Acura的了呢,后来才知道这是EL的最新款,不过发动机确实和2001 Civic的发动机一样
      • 不对吧?Acura可是VTech. 一个很中肯(貌似忠诚)的Civic华人销售推荐我去买Acura,等他详细听完了我的要求(没道理不做我生意呀?)
        仅仅$1000左右的差距,不同的engine, 四轮蝶刹,side airbag。。。。窃以为--值得呀?!

        他推荐我,如果买luxury, Acura is fine for me. 如果买civic,就买基本配置。

        • why u do not see review of this car!!!!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛001 Acura 1.7EL

          Where, you're asking, did this Acura come from? Did I
          blink? Have I missed something?

          Relax, folks, and enjoy what you are about to read. Honda
          Motor Corporation抯 Acura 1.7EL is not sold in the United
          States. Like Red Rose tea bags and real Molson Export Ale,
          the 1.7EL is only available in Canada.

          Before my buddies across the border get their knickers in a
          twist, I hasten to add that apart from its name and
          trimmings, the Acura 1.7EL is almost identical to the car
          US residents can buy at any Honda dealer in America. It
          drives the same, has the same superb mechanicals and
          closely resembles: a top-of-the-line Honda Civic 4-door

          If you look hard, however, you抣l notice the Acura logo on
          the revised front fascia as well as "Acura" and 1.7EL
          identity markings on the trunk lid. There are, however, a
          number of trim items which make the 1.7EL look distinctly
          more purposeful and more affluent ("Euro-looking" in Honda
          pr-speak) than an ordinary Civic sedan.

          A plethora of differences
          First of all, consider the low-aspect tires with their oversize 15-inch alloy
          wheels, the woodgrain trim, the strategically-placed extra chrome. In addition
          -- and unlike the Civic sedan (the one available in Canada, anyway) -- the
          1.7EL can be had with factory leather seats and a power sunroof.

          Think of it this way: If rich folks in North America actually bought smaller
          cars to use themselves, rather than as birthday gifts for their spoiled kids,
          the Acura 1.7EL would be a rich guy抯 daily driver. He might still have the
          4wd Estate for weekends at the lake or for Nanny to use to haul the kids to
          French Immersion. But the 1.7EL would be the car he drives to the office

          So why is the 1.7EL sold in Canada and not in the US? Well, besides eccentric
          Canadian tastes in teas and ales, it appears there are substantive differences
          in the car-buying habits of our two peoples. While the Acura Integra 4-door
          sedan remains popular in the US, it was too costly for Canadian budgets, which
          left Acura dealers with a large gap at the high-traffic end of their product
          offerings and led to the first EL, with the then-Civic's 1.6 engine. Based on
          a redesigned-for-2001 Honda Civic sedan, the new Acura 1.7EL melds the Civic
          platform and the 127 hp dohc VTEC engine from the 2-door Civic Coupe Si with
          Acura抯 upscale trim and image.

          Much like a top-of-the-line Civic
          This seems to work extremely well. Best of all, the EL's not a heck of a lot
          more expensive to buy than a top-of-the-line Civic: The difference between the
          loaded Civic and the 1.7EL Touring is less than $2000 Canadian. But what you
          will buy in terms of image alone makes the 1.7EL worth every extra penny, in
          my opinion.

          For those dollars, in addition to an upscale image, you get a number of
          features, including disc brakes on all four wheels (the Civic has a disc/drum
          combo), sharp-looking alloy wheels, woodgrain interior trim items, and a
          decent stereo CD system. With the Premium model, you also get standard leather
          seats -- not available on the Civic in Canada -- plus a power sunroof.

          While the Premium costs another $2000 over the Touring model, we抮e still
          talking less than $23,500 Canadian for the full load Premium. For comparison
          purposes, such a car might cost around $18,500 in the United States.

          In an earlier 2001 Civic review I said the plain-Jane Honda Civic is close to
          being the best car available anywhere, for anything near the money they抮e
          asking. It comes with all you need in a car: air, decent stereo, great
          handling, superb reliability and high resale value -- but perhaps not
          everything you might want. The 1.7EL, on the other hand, should not only
          satisfy your automotive needs but also, more importantly, your wants.

          Happily you can pick up a lot more information on the 2001 Acura 1.7EL from
          reviews for the 2001 Honda Civic. However, if you begin by thinking of the EL
          as a super-loaded, extra-pretty Honda Civic, you抣l at least be on the right
          page. And if enough Americans like this idea, they should pester the heck out
          of their dealers.

          In tougher economic times an Acura for little more than the price of a loaded
          Civic makes for a very attractive package.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Spend a little bit research money and save more on the total cost.
      Please visit the web address www.apa.ca. If you join them for about $30 a year, you get two free quotes on new vehicles of your choice. Additional quotes are $10 ($15?) each. They may tell you the actual invoice price the dealers get from the manufacturer. Normally, they say you can get the deal for about $800 over the invoice price.

      My colleague used this way and was happy with the deal. I may try to use the service later this yea.