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Well, I guess you misunderstand the meaning of FRIEND and Warm-harted.

I agree that Canadian are very warm-harted, and easy going, but it desn't mean it's easy to get them be your friends. Give you an example: You get lost in the street, warm-harted can help. But if you get some trouble, not happy, miss home, want somebody sit by you, to have a personal talk or just listen to you, then ONLY FRIEND is there. At that time, Warm-harted means nothing. One word: Warm-harted doesn't equal FRIEND.

And anyway, I do envy Canadian personality of warm-harted, out-going and always push myself pursue in that way.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 请问加国的朋友:生活在加的最快乐或最伤心的事情是什么?写出来和大家分享.让我们快乐着你的快乐,痛苦着你的痛苦...
    • 对于新移民来说,最快乐莫过于拿到job offer;最伤心应该是和亲人朋友在机场告别的时候。所以我现在没有快乐,只有伤心。
      • 中国有中国的好处,加拿大自有加拿大的好处. 既然我们生活在这里,为什么不尽量发现,享用她的好处而快乐呢? 比如说人际关系, 这儿的就比国内的要好很多, 不论洋人还是中国人,大多都礼貌热心, 我们也可以交到很好的朋友.
        • 你真的认为你能交到加拿大作很好的朋友么?
          • Most people here are warm-hearted, no matter whether or not they know you. With a friendly heart, you do make new good friends.
            • Well, I guess you misunderstand the meaning of FRIEND and Warm-harted.
              I agree that Canadian are very warm-harted, and easy going, but it desn't mean it's easy to get them be your friends. Give you an example: You get lost in the street, warm-harted can help. But if you get some trouble, not happy, miss home, want somebody sit by you, to have a personal talk or just listen to you, then ONLY FRIEND is there. At that time, Warm-harted means nothing. One word: Warm-harted doesn't equal FRIEND.

              And anyway, I do envy Canadian personality of warm-harted, out-going and always push myself pursue in that way.
              • I agree with you.
                In fact I don't see I can easily find real friend when in China. When you stay longer, you'll make real friend here.

                Afterall, you've been in China for 20+ years and less than 1 year here. Making friend need time.

                Further, I cannot express myself well in English. As a result, lots of my feeling cannot be shared with my Canadian friend. :(
              • 面包会有的,朋友也终究会有的...即使在国内,从一个公司到另一个公司,或从一座城市到另一座城市,要重新找到知心的朋友也不易.所以,只要真心对人,一定会有真心回报...Good Luck,friend..
                • Yeah, I think so too.
                • 说得太对了!!
          • 讲一件真事,一个中国家庭刚到加国,举目无亲,却得到了白人房主的热心帮助,降低房租,吸收他们的存款进自己的公司后每月给付高息,同时还使得他们得以申请了上学的贷款...
            • I think, some north american peoples, especially some senior citizens, are very warm-hearted and hospital to each peoples regardless of their races.
          • Don't asked too much for friend.
            • Don't ask to much for friend.
    • I don't know what is the "most" stuff. But everytime when I cross the road and be yielded by cars, I feel happy.
      • Really nice feeling though it is very little issue for life.People should find happy sense everywhere then you could stay happy everytime.