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“Ellsberg told the Times that he copied the top-secret Taiwan crisis study in the early 1970s, and is releasing it as tensions mount between the United States and China over Taiwan.

Had an invasion taken place, General Nathan Twining, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, "made it clear that the United States would have used nuclear weapons against Chinese air bases to prevent a successful air interdiction campaign," the document's authors wrote.

If this did not stop an invasion, then there was "no alternative but to conduct nuclear strikes deep into China as far north as Shanghai," the document said, paraphrasing Twining.”


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 胡锡进今天发文--我们必须为中美一旦发生高烈度的摊牌做好准备,到那时,大量的东风41和巨浪2巨浪3将是我们战略意志的支柱。我们的核导弹数量一定要多得让美国精英们届时一动与中国军事对抗的念头就瑟瑟发抖 +1
    • 参见前苏即可 +9
      • 土共最大的武器是数量庞大的粉红。前苏移民大部分是反苏的 +3
        • 伊朗的移民都反伊
    • 哈哈,朝鲜和伊朗都是这种语气。 +7
    • 老胡提议拿核弹数量来状胆,也就是说要让中国不惜一切代价跟美国死磕,不行的话就饮弹自尽?老胡家小都移民国外,忽悠中国人打鸡血吃核弹,这个人的心理得多么的黑暗?? +8
    • 老胡说过,最少要1000枚核弹,现在还差多少? +2
    • 跟哈马斯一样,大量导弹/火箭弹发过去
    • 胡锡进是美帝的卧底,前苏联就是被美帝的军备竞赛拖垮的。 +1
    • 不仅会叼盘,还会吠呢!美国不太可能和中国打核战争或全面战争,最多是海上打打局部战争 +1
      • 美国曾经准备对中国使用核武器 +2
        US military planners pushed for nuclear strikes on mainland China in 1958 to protect Taiwan from an invasion by Communist forces, classified documents posted online by Daniel Ellsberg of "Pentagon Papers" fame show.
        • 说得好像是新闻一样。当初苏联准备外科手术核平北京的时候,全国人民吓得打地洞钻,这才过去了几年就好了伤疤。
      • 对台湾问题 +2


        “Ellsberg told the Times that he copied the top-secret Taiwan crisis study in the early 1970s, and is releasing it as tensions mount between the United States and China over Taiwan.

        Had an invasion taken place, General Nathan Twining, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, "made it clear that the United States would have used nuclear weapons against Chinese air bases to prevent a successful air interdiction campaign," the document's authors wrote.

        If this did not stop an invasion, then there was "no alternative but to conduct nuclear strikes deep into China as far north as Shanghai," the document said, paraphrasing Twining.”

        • 此一时彼一时,五十年过去了不要看不到世界的变化
    • 有哈马斯的劲头、炮海战术,就是不知道到时候有几颗掉自己头上。
      • 共匪头子们都是把韭菜们豁出去的,比如毛腊肉不惜发动核战争并扬言中国人有几亿,比如共匪将领为和西方对抗不惜牺牲西安以东。。这个叼盘的奴才胡畜生也不例外,早把家小移民国外,都是一样的缺德货色 +1
    • 美国全面制裁中国,中国就倒了。当然,美国也会花不少钱