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Biden's Botched Withdrawal: Afghans Outside Kabul Airport Knee Deep in Sewage, Wave Their Papers, Begging to be Let In (VIDEO)

“I think that history is going to record this was the logical, rational, and right decision to make,” – Joe Biden on his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Kabul airport is hell on earth thanks to Joe Biden. The situation is so dire that the US State Department has warned Americans not to travel to Kabul airport.…

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Biden's Botched Withdrawal: Afghans Outside Kabul Airport Knee Deep in Sewage, Wave Their Papers, Begging to be Let In (VIDEO) +2
    “I think that history is going to record this was the logical, rational, and right decision to make,” – Joe Biden on his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Kabul airport is hell on earth thanks to Joe Biden. The situation is so dire that the US State Department has warned Americans not to travel to Kabul airport.…
    • 拜登老年痴呆,连白宫院子里都能迷路,还能当总统作三军统帅?这个也是为嘛中共使出吃奶的劲头帮拜登上位,美国真的完蛋了 +1
      • 现在败登是当背锅侠。阿富汗的事,是操纵败登的人干的,栽到他头上,目的是为了三笑上位。 +1