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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 墨西哥从2020年6月起对所有外国游客自由开放,入境无需检测。疫苗也比加拿大少很多。看看两国的covid数据比较 +1
    • 人家都不检测,这数据还有意义吗? +10
      • No test when entering the country, doesn't mean no test in the country at all.
        • 墨西哥人口相当于3个半加拿大,但日检测数不及加拿大一个省。 ~CAN
          • As far as the society is going well as usual, really no need to have excessive testings. +5
            • 阳性率达到吓人的40%,大概是加拿大的10倍以上 +1
              • Why scary? Being tested positive does not mean being sick. +1
                • 您句话对加拿大也适用吧
                  • That's right. It applies to everywhere. +1
                    • So your point of comparing positive numbers is?
                      • Good point. Thanks for pointing it out. Something cannot be simply compared by a chart. I visited Mexico in January. Very impressed by the normal and fun life over there.
                • Those HIV+ would feel really happy then. They pose no threat to their sexual partners, nor to the society as a whole.
                  • We are talking in the context of COVID-19. Thanks for being reminded.
                    • Therefore we are not talking about science but personal feelings, likes and dislikes
            • 日死亡人数是加拿大的30倍以上 +2
              • Where did you get the data?
                • Thea same data source you shared +1
                  • You cannot simply compare the absolute numbers because the two countries are very different in size. Try to use the one of "per million."
                    • Mexico - Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP as a share of GDP. In 2019, contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) for Mexico was 17.3 %.
                    • 墨西哥2100,加拿大700。墨西哥百万人口covid死亡率是加拿大的3倍.墨西哥人年龄中位数28多,加拿大人40岁。墨西哥是抗疫如此失败的国家,瞎了眼的才会拿来比较 +4
                      • I don't think Mexico is a loser. By choosing to live together with the virus, the society and economy mostly stay functioning properly.
                    • Glad to see we are aligned that ratio numbers make more sense. Mexico's population is about 3.5X of Canada's. Even the the normalized death number is still much higher.
    • 一浪更比一浪高,加上原始检测能力的问题,老大以为会是什么样的年景? +3


      • You have to compare the two countries using the same setting and criteria, as the link I provided in the original post
        • 老大,150多天时间轴只差1天,要分秒不差可能很难 +1
    • 印度曾经阳性率30%,你觉得这意味着什么? +6
      • 老大应该与一流国家比较数据,如曾经的重灾区意大利1 +2
        • 1, Mexico is a very decent country. 2, The sudden increase in Italy late last year was caused by a variant, which was very likely caused by the vaccines being tested back then. +2
          • “ Mexico is a very decent country.” 你说的是resort里面的世界,外面可与decent这个单词风马牛不相及! +2
            • 贩毒,还有千千万万翻墙的。
            • I've been there 4 times, none of which was in a resort. The border areas are not good, I know. The rest of the country is peaceful.
              • 墨西哥我也去过4次,两次是自驾。去那玩确实还行,治安也不是啥问题。但是抗疫表现太差了。
    • 抱怨国与国之间检测量不同的,看看以色列自己跟自己比吧:接种率越来越高,从两针打到三针到四针,然后,感染人数创新高。 +6


    • 死猪不怕开水烫,不好明说而已。其实就是听天由命爱咋地咋地吧,实际是没有办法了。病毒可以经由动物传播,可以无症状传播,变异和流感差不多,实际上医学界已经是黔驴技穷了,最好就是能够找到治疗重症的有效疗法 +5
      • 有效早期治疗的方法早就有了。发现药方的泽连科医生因此获得诺贝尔和平奖提名。 但是,这些早期治疗受到全球范围的打压。(#13966913@0) +3
        • 建议以后把所有可能传染的动物也都抓起来打疫苗,什么阿猫阿狗啊,后院的racoon, skunk之类的统统抓起来,打两针。 +5
      • 都确认数十种动物感染新冠了,为什么天朝还能清零?
    • 辉瑞的谎言, +4
    • 水老大,相对于病毒感染的讨论,我更喜欢你单脚站立式姿势! +2
      • Thanks. BTW if you see anything incorrect in my posts, feel free to point it out.
    • 既然可以去了,为啥不去呢? +1
      • The Canadian government restricts travelling with very strict and expensive rules.
      • 那里的resort已经开放,有很多美国人在那里享受人少的乐趣。
        • 人多才有乐趣吧。美国体育场里塞满了人,那才是乐趣。 +1
          • 怎么可能。海滩上的乐趣和体育馆不一样,下饺子会兴味索然,除非放眼望去,都是美色,就象老大当初给我们炫耀的那样
    • 墨西哥在疫情中的表现简直是“世界之光辉与典范”,去年秋天墨西哥测试了伊维菌素,并用它治疗自己的国民,成功解决了类似于今日印度的危机,目前该国的发病率和死亡率都是全球最低的 (#13976238@0) +1
      • 38%的检测阳性率,应该能排世界第一了吧 +1
    • 墨西哥检测阳性38%,我不相信墨西哥的病例数。每个国家的测试力度不同,比较发病率没有意义。可以测一下抗体。印度报告三千多万病例,抗体阳性60+%,实际病例8亿多,只报告了大概3%的病例。 +3
      • 那个所谓的检测,就是个狗屁,骗韭菜的。 +2
    • 你知道从美国到墨西哥,根本就没有边境可言,开着车直接就过去了,连看你护照的人都没有。何谈入境检测?
    • 老大也玩数据游戏,也忒没劲吧。新冠最靠谱的,就是看死亡率。墨西哥和美国英国相当,超0.2%。加拿大只有0.07%。这是所有欧州加美洲国家里最低的,除了两三个北欧国家。土耳其目前还比加拿大低,预计一周内就超过。 +1