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Singapore PM Lee Warns of U.S.-China Miscalculation Over Taiwan
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says tensions over Taiwan risk leading to a miscalculation between the U.S. and China as both nations step up activi...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 听听人家第三只眼睛看台海
    Singapore PM Lee Warns of U.S.-China Miscalculation Over Taiwan
    Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says tensions over Taiwan risk leading to a miscalculation between the U.S. and China as both nations step up activi...
    • I listened a few of his speeches and felt that he is China government puppet! He is speaking for China government +1
      • 这个世界本身就是大国博弈,小国当棋子。如果说某国正面的话就是该国的傀儡,是不是要一言堂,必须专业崩溃三十年?新加坡小国必须在大国之间游走,左右逢源,不能非黑即白站边。 +2
    • 李光耀家族接受的是西方精英教育,看问题比较客观,而不会被西方刻意的洗脑。会被洗脑的是半瓶子醋的假洋鬼子。 +4
    • 李显龙说的很好,可惜对牛弹琴,美国人现在一心想永远保住老大的地位 +1
    • 一个N代华人,看两岸华人的未来,应该既具备客观性,又不失个人情绪,我预计N年后我们的后代也会这样看待台海。 +1
    • 是美国要打台湾牌,不是大陆。下一场战争不论跟谁,美国都要吃苦头了 +1