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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

summary of doing stock for the half years

Put $15000 US in Stock in early June.
1. end of JUNE, won $600
2. end of JULY, lost $1500
3. midle og September, Won $2000
4. Now, only won $400
5. All sold out
6. got some experience and feeling during doing stock, its value may be from -10000 to +50000 for next trying.

what you can is the market going. You can earn more money, only when you lucky. By VXGN, I won $1000 with 200 shares, By Lume, I won $1200 with 3000 shares. All of the lose happened during the ER time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My opinion for reference:
For the next half years, till March, it is a time Up and down time. MM will win, small shareholder will lose.

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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / summary of doing stock for the half years
    Put $15000 US in Stock in early June.
    1. end of JUNE, won $600
    2. end of JULY, lost $1500
    3. midle og September, Won $2000
    4. Now, only won $400
    5. All sold out
    6. got some experience and feeling during doing stock, its value may be from -10000 to +50000 for next trying.

    what you can is the market going. You can earn more money, only when you lucky. By VXGN, I won $1000 with 200 shares, By Lume, I won $1200 with 3000 shares. All of the lose happened during the ER time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My opinion for reference:
    For the next half years, till March, it is a time Up and down time. MM will win, small shareholder will lose.
    • 要想在你的利润后多加几个圈圈, 我看要这个必须要修练, 要么wins大侠的止损, 要么帅哥的腿脚。。。。呵呵
      • thanks, I come here everyday to learn
    • 这样才不会吐出圈进的money...