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Stay on LU because you know it better than anyone else. Use stratege, make a large interval queue of buy/sell LU since it is HIGHLY volatile. See my story inside.

Last year this time after it ran from 1.19 to 1.80, I bought a little LU at 1.89 thinking it will hit 2.00. But I was wrong. It fell. At 1.72, I bought another little. Then, at 1.61, even more. Suddenly, it dropped to 1.32.
What I did, was to put a VERY large proportion of money waiting at 1.21 for those shorts. Finnally, I won. It went back to 1.90 in two weeks.

So, prepare a 5%-interval buy/sell queue. when it falls 5%,
buy a little more.
When it raise 5%, sell a little. I believe MMs of Lu now are the same MM
I was dealing with last year. I know their whimsical behavoir very well.

Also, if you want big money/little risk, set a buy order 0.10 below its bottom when LU reaches a bottom. Wait for those stupid shorts.
(for today, suggesting a buy order 2.51)

Take care.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 收了LU的大家不要惊慌, 不破不立, $2.77给套的那些大mm们这几天会有行动的, 但是至少2.77以下不要出货。。。
    • 我们各位大侠都预料到了大盘会在1850处有支撑, 我就放心, 要是再给我100万, 我还赌朗讯。。。不过现在可选的太多了。。。呵呵。。。
      • 只要大盘得到在1850一定的支撑,今天LU重回2。70没有问题。。。
      • Stay on LU because you know it better than anyone else. Use stratege, make a large interval queue of buy/sell LU since it is HIGHLY volatile. See my story inside.
        Last year this time after it ran from 1.19 to 1.80, I bought a little LU at 1.89 thinking it will hit 2.00. But I was wrong. It fell. At 1.72, I bought another little. Then, at 1.61, even more. Suddenly, it dropped to 1.32.
        What I did, was to put a VERY large proportion of money waiting at 1.21 for those shorts. Finnally, I won. It went back to 1.90 in two weeks.

        So, prepare a 5%-interval buy/sell queue. when it falls 5%,
        buy a little more.
        When it raise 5%, sell a little. I believe MMs of Lu now are the same MM
        I was dealing with last year. I know their whimsical behavoir very well.

        Also, if you want big money/little risk, set a buy order 0.10 below its bottom when LU reaches a bottom. Wait for those stupid shorts.
        (for today, suggesting a buy order 2.51)

        Take care.
        • Market Efficiency.
        • 日本车大侠, 同意你的观点, 这么大的盘子(4160m), 没有那么容易换mm, mm们狡猾的很, 他想既吃肉, 也喝汤, 让我们啃骨头。。。
          we shit。。。我们资金量小, 放一年也行, 看谁的耐心强。。。再说,我马上另一笔钱就到帐了, 这笔就当我存定期了。。。。
    • mm们收复2.66高地。。。。
      • 攻到2.77阵地。。。