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This is what I wrote to my MP in the area

I am the resident of ......for more than 10 years and a citizen in your riding.

It has come to my attention that a motion has been put forward in the house of commons to end COVID-19 mandates and restrictions, which will be voted on by Members of Parliament on Monday Feb 14. As your constituent, I’m asking that you vote for ending all mandates and vaccination passports immediately. It is time to follow medical science instead of political science and do the right thing for the people and this country. Many countries in the world have been opening up and have already removed all their restrictions and vaccine passport. We all know that vaccination is not effective for preventing the transmission. With high vaccination rate in Canada, vaccine passport right now is nothing but more than vindictive punishment towards the undesirable population. Since its inception, It has done way more harm than good as it created deep divisions in our families and communities and furthermore our country. Now it is the time to ask Mr. Justin Trudeau to remove it completely at the federal level so that our communities can heal and our battered economy can gain more strength again.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / This is what I wrote to my MP in the area +9

    I am the resident of ......for more than 10 years and a citizen in your riding.

    It has come to my attention that a motion has been put forward in the house of commons to end COVID-19 mandates and restrictions, which will be voted on by Members of Parliament on Monday Feb 14. As your constituent, I’m asking that you vote for ending all mandates and vaccination passports immediately. It is time to follow medical science instead of political science and do the right thing for the people and this country. Many countries in the world have been opening up and have already removed all their restrictions and vaccine passport. We all know that vaccination is not effective for preventing the transmission. With high vaccination rate in Canada, vaccine passport right now is nothing but more than vindictive punishment towards the undesirable population. Since its inception, It has done way more harm than good as it created deep divisions in our families and communities and furthermore our country. Now it is the time to ask Mr. Justin Trudeau to remove it completely at the federal level so that our communities can heal and our battered economy can gain more strength again.

    • 赞!最重要的是大家都要写信表明态度,议员的工作就是听取选民的民意,并在表决中代表民意,所以越多人表态越好! +4