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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / The acquisition of HAND by PALM had been approved this morning. Anybody want to gamble with this stock? I'm in @ 1.60
    • It is good to try. The chart looks very attracting. Thank you for the info. I will try some before market clsoing.
      • Good luck .
    • I am interested but I was run out of bullet at China. Too many hot spots these days. Good luck.
      • Thank you. Good luck to your CHINA too. If one HAND can get 0.09 PALM, it should be 26.8 X 0.09 = $2.41. Even considering the PALM will drop tomorrow, it is still a good deal. What do you think?
        • I think so.
          • BTW, I am still holding AMD, which you recommended 1 month ago. Thanks a million!!!
        • not calculating like this. read the release carefully, though i haven't understood completely.
          • I read the release at least 5 times but is still confused. Because of confusing, there is chance to load it right now. My understand is 1 PALM =1 PLMO+0.31 PSRC. 1 HAND= 0.09 PLMO.
            PSRC spin-off from PALM, but it is only a Operation system development department in PALM, it will not dilute PLMO a lot. So I gamble tomorrow the price of PLMO will not drop a lot.
            • well, spinoff is far more complex than we expected. according to simple calculation (based on today's closing price), after spinoff, PLMO will be about 23.39, and PSRC will be about 12.28.
              but, i am still confusing how to calculate the merge of PALM and HAND will figure out soon.
              but, i am quite sure, MM and professionals are much more familiar than us with this kind of calculation. they won't miss any big profit dropping from sky.
              good luck.
              • Thanks. What can I do is waiting, the market will calculate it out for us tomorrow morning... :-))
                • 呵呵。可能你要亏钱。通常这类非敌意收购,被获得方的股东通常是吃亏的。你有没有计算过HP和CPQ的合并案?好像CPQ的股东也是亏的。你的PLMO成本是1.6/0.09=17.78$。


                  • 请教你是如何计算spinoff后的价格为$23.39的, 那时PLMO的价格还是什么? 若真是如此, 我就赚大了? 我觉得PLMO的定价是我最搞不清的地方, 还请指教, 谢谢!
                    • 今天中国股市又是长阴一根,实在不忍看下去了。我的计算方法是:



                      我也有可能是错的。:P 欢迎交流。
        • I just got 5K @1.60. Hope it will bring me some profit in a couple of days. Thank you.
        • What I am understanding: The Palm stock price after spin-off should be 26.8*0.69 = 18.45, so HAND price = 18.45 * 0.09 = 1.66
          • remember just 86% goes to old shareholder. and the calculation formula is not like yours.
      • Thanks Wins. Me too.
      • Wins, May I know what u r gnna sell China. As I have some. Pls advise. Many thanks.
        • Wins, May I know WHEN u r gnna sell China. As I have some. Pls advise. Many thanks
          • My trailing stop is set at 4% with GTC. Even thought I believe it may go above $15, to keep my profit without being trapped is my first priority.
            Only MM knows how it goes, what I can do is trying to follow its trends. Don't worry about being stopped out, you will have lots of opportunities as long as the stock is good and its MM is strong.
            • Thank you for your encouragement, again. I will do it with the same way.
            • What do "GTC" means? By the way, what's your strategy for trading ivan? Always use -5% stop? I think ivan can be considered as a long term stock. Am I right? Thanks!
              • GTC means:Good-Till-Cancel order and may be active for up to 30 days, or until cancelled.
                I got my IVAN stopped out at 4.61 today. In my opinion, at this level, no stock can go up all the way to a higher target, there will be many pullbacks before the stock reach a target price. You can stick to a good stock for a long term, but it is not necessary for you to stay in the stock all the time. IVAN, LEXR or INTC are a good examples, you can see their trends are up, but they are not running as a straight line but running in between a up-ward block.