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马铃薯的原话是“I invited President Zelensky to address Canada’s Parliament.”就是在国会讲话,没有必须物理到达的意思。zelensky已经address过英国国会了

Ukraine Pres. Zelenskyy addresses UK parliament
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the UK Parliament on Tuesday and said he was speaking to them "as a citizen, and as a president of a b...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 司机已经说死都不离开基辅,土豆却邀请司机来加拿大国会讲话? 猪队友吗?
    • 可以视频方式 +5
      • 那就不是来加拿大国会,人家是邀请他到加拿大国会讲话。
        • 那就等局势好一点后吧。泽连斯基现在是世界英雄,能极大地鼓舞民主国家士气 +1
        • 说的就是视频 +3
    • 马铃薯的原话是“I invited President Zelensky to address Canada’s Parliament.”就是在国会讲话,没有必须物理到达的意思。zelensky已经address过英国国会了 +4
      Ukraine Pres. Zelenskyy addresses UK parliament
      The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the UK Parliament on Tuesday and said he was speaking to them "as a citizen, and as a president of a b...
      • 那个新马甲就是来故意搅浑水的,不值一辩。 +3
        • 有人说是数字? +3
        • 所以中国要减低英语教育的比重,也是个双刃剑,一下子就露怯了,当然如果只霍霍国内倒是无所谓了。 +1