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anyway,政客的话我们看不懂,也不需要懂。I thought I was the only dumb one。但是也有其他人同样地看不懂: What a terrible message, letting Russia know it can do whatever it wants in Ukraine.

John Sipher @john_sipher · 4h Replying to @POTUS Stop saying that because it suggests we won’t fight for anyone or anything else. It puts a target on non-NATO countries. We fought for Kosovo and Kuwait in similar circumstances. What about Taiwan? Australia? What if Putin uses WMD in Ukraine? Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews · 2h Indeed. What a terrible message, letting Russia know it can do whatever it wants in Ukraine. You should hear how they run with this kind of messaging on Russian state TV. It's better to say nothing. Show replies Chris Vickery @VickerySec · 4h Replying to @POTUS WWIII is already here. Refusing to realize it as such makes us weak and vulnerable.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 总统的话看不懂:I want to be clear: We will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full might of a united and galvanized NATO. But we will not fight a war against Russia in Ukraine.... +1
    A direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is World War III. And something we must strive to prevent.
    • 就是明确指出美国和北约不会出兵乌克兰,但是暗地里美国把能提供的都提供了,乌坚持到现在还能越战越用,有背后美国的大力支持。俄罗斯现在肯定非常气愤,但也无可奈何。 +1
      • 我搞不懂总统的这个逻辑。在乌克兰境内对阵就是第三次世界大战,出了乌克兰对阵就不是第三次世界大战。 +1
        • 出了乌克兰更不会跟俄罗斯打了 +1
        • 俄不是还没出乌克兰嘛。美的原则是不和你正面硬刚,用综合实力砍你,综合实力是钝刀子,能砍的你生不如死。 +3
          • 换句话说。你要想在乌克兰境内怎么造,都随你,都不会有第三次世界大战的危险? +2
            • 其实美国现在主要就是提供了卫星和电子信息帮助乌了解俄军的动向,然后提供武器,武器估计都是二三流的,先进的他们也不会用。大概率美国雇佣兵进来了会用先进的AI技术参战。 +1
              • anyway,政客的话我们看不懂,也不需要懂。I thought I was the only dumb one。但是也有其他人同样地看不懂: What a terrible message, letting Russia know it can do whatever it wants in Ukraine. +1
                John Sipher @john_sipher · 4h Replying to @POTUS Stop saying that because it suggests we won’t fight for anyone or anything else. It puts a target on non-NATO countries. We fought for Kosovo and Kuwait in similar circumstances. What about Taiwan? Australia? What if Putin uses WMD in Ukraine? Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews · 2h Indeed. What a terrible message, letting Russia know it can do whatever it wants in Ukraine. You should hear how they run with this kind of messaging on Russian state TV. It's better to say nothing. Show replies Chris Vickery @VickerySec · 4h Replying to @POTUS WWIII is already here. Refusing to realize it as such makes us weak and vulnerable.
                • 反正就是给俄挖了个坑,俄能爬上来算他本事,但紧接着还有一个更大的金融坑等着他。 +1
        • 很好理解,首先不和俄罗斯硬刚,至于一寸还是一尺的都是在逞强不示弱,参考第一条 +1
    • 老荡。这场战争加重了你的抑郁症。🤣 +5
      • 那天有人说我上窜下跳,你今天又说我抑郁症。到底哪个是真的?
        • 都是伏特加闹的 +5
        • both +4
          • Bipolar disorder +5
    • 乌克兰不是北约成员,北约没有义务为保卫乌克兰和俄国直接开战。但是,北约可以在不直接开战的情况下,提供帮助。这个逻辑很难理解么?苏联当年也没在朝鲜和美国公开交战,中国在越南也没和美国直接开战 +1
      • 首先总统只是声严厉色地表达了大家都已经听过多遍的陈述, +1
        并没有为乌克兰人提供新的道义支持。其次总统听起来只是公开地“鼓励”俄国放手在乌克兰作恶,因为他向世界保证“the full might of a united and galvanized NATO”不会用在乌克兰。这样的rhetoric非常地disheartening。一出乌克兰国境,第三次世界大战立即就不再是something we must strive to prevent。
        • 他说的是事实吧,另外,你就这么想打第三次世界大战?用经济制裁勒死俄国不好么?就算他拿下乌克兰,又如何? +1
          • 我从来都是和平主义者。也只有一个和平主义者才会看到链接里的故事并且转发这样的故事。我反对俄乌战争,和我反对台海战争的立场是一致的。但是我同样反对为了各种特定目的而纵容或者激发战争的行为: +1
            • 只要找出阴谋的受益者, 就是阴谋的制造者。看看这场战争谁受益,就明白了。 +1
            • 就在前不久,关于问到如果你是俄罗斯你该怎么办,你还叫嚣炸平乌克兰,嗯?
              • 这是属于胡搅蛮缠。那个楼主问的问题是仗应该怎么打才能迅速结束,难道我应当回答“请客吃饭绣花做文章”?美国人以最猛烈的空袭彻底摧毁了伊拉克的抵抗能力,那才是闪电战 +1