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Debate over bombings

Main article: Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The role of the bombings in Japan's surrender, and the ethical, legal, and military controversies surrounding the United States' justification for them have been the subject of scholarly and popular debate.[320] On one hand, it has been argued that the bombings caused the Japanese surrender, thereby preventing casualties that an invasion of Japan would have involved.[7][321] Stimson talked of saving one million casualties.[322] The naval blockade might have starved the Japanese into submission without an invasion, but this would also have resulted in many more Japanese deaths.[323]

However, some critics of the bombings have cited a belief that atomic weapons are fundamentally immoral, that the bombings were war crimes, and that they constituted state terrorism.[324] Others, such as Japanese historian Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, argued that the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan "played a much greater role than the atomic bombs in inducing Japan to surrender because it dashed any hope that Japan could terminate the war through Moscow's mediation".[325] A view among critics of the bombings, that was popularized by American historian Gar Alperovitz in 1965, is the idea of atomic diplomacy: that the United States used nuclear weapons to intimidate the Soviet Union in the early stages of the Cold War. James Orr wrote that this idea became the accepted position in Japan and that it may have played some part in the decision making of the US government.[326]


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 作为一个中国人,对日本侵华所犯的罪行是深恶痛绝的。但是,是否它的平民就应该无差别地屠杀呢?美国二战时,对日本地城市经行无差别地轰炸(包括两颗原子弹),死了多少平民其中包括多少儿童妇女?美国人从来不掩饰这点。战后审判战犯,多少美国有任何人得到了审判? +4
    • 美国例外,审判美国是不对的,你错在是中国人 +2
      • 作为美国人,它当然有它的理由,无所谓好坏。这里有些ID把美国当成上帝,道德的化身。哈哈 +4
    • 咂咂咂,这三观,和历史观 +14
      • 吼吼吼,这脑子 +4
        • 要来pk一下吗
    • 作为一个中国人,对俄罗斯所犯罪行,你是什么表态? +3
      • 无论谁犯了罪,都应该受到审判。按照美国的法律,在没有认定罪行之前,假设其无罪。你说俄罗斯犯了罪,是哪个法庭判的? +3
        • 说的是过去俄对中华民族的罪行,你是什么表态? +6
          • 过去俄对中华民族的罪行是因为中国弱,受欺负了,定了(中国认为的)不平等条约。除非双方同意,否则是条约(过去时)。你对美国现在正在进行的分裂中国的主权怎么表态(现在进行时)? +3
            • 你是否同样深恶痛绝当年俄对中华民族的罪行?很难回答吗?为什么闪烁其词? +3
              • 看看手里5毛钱,很为难呀 +9
              • 我闪烁其词?笑话。国家之间通过战争达到自己的目的是很正常的手段。过去八国联军通过战争掠夺了多少中国的财富?都要回来吗?。美国通过战争抢了多少墨西哥得土地?对墨西哥公平吗?那是已经确定的事实,。 美国正在搞得分裂中国得主权,还没得逞,你怎么说? +3
                • 俄当年对中华民族进行奸淫杀戮,你毫无深恶痛绝的感觉,对吗? +4
                  • 这是两个不同层次的问题,不知你能不能明白。不仅对中国人进行奸淫杀戮深恶痛绝,而且对其它同样的加害,施难者都深恶痛绝。 我一直回答你的问题,我问你的呢? +3
    • 美国做的都是对的,不需要争论这个。God bless America! +2
      • 还有真主也在保佑 +1
      • 这样说。我认可。 +1
    • 文明社会在不断进步,但土共却停留在过去,最爱用《关公战秦琼》那样的“時代錯置” 伎俩来比较现在。1960时代度荒和文革中国还吃人肉呢。现在动物保护也列入法律范畴了。 +9
      • 有意思。你们不是把美国的国内法当作国际法吗? +2
    • 这都多少年了,早咋不抱怨,等到现在呢? +3
      • 你自己生活在自己的世界里吧。这是一个广泛争论的话题。 +1
    • 是啊,现在理解了所谓的双标,就和白左一样,满嘴的自由平等,其实做的事情全是制造宗族矛盾制造国家矛盾。了解的事情多了,才发现这个世界真的不是表明看上去那样的。 +4
      • 同意 +1
    • 哪那么多评论,上视频说话。瞎话大体这种模式,无事实,只有口水。 +3
    • 有空去看看二战史,如果不是这两颗原子弹,日本要死更多的人。而且也会包括更多的妇女和儿童。我不支持美国人用原子弹,但是不用原子弹死人更多。 +5
      • 这是美国用的一个argument,而且是一个假设的前提,无法证实。那么基于这个逻辑,是否如果一个国家认为如果对平民无差别屠杀,可以快速结束战争,从而减少因为战争时间拖长,而导致更多的平民伤亡,那么,这个国家对平民的屠杀也是合理了? +2
        • 你去看看冲绳岛战役日本平民死亡人数就知道如果打到日本要死多少人了。 +2
          • 问题是有东京审判呀,美国是否应该也站在审判席上?即使到今天,美国人把阿富汗一家炸死了,一个误炸就完了,受到谁的审判了? +1
            • 你见过战败国审判战胜国的吗?举个例子。而且原子弹是发生在公约之前的,现在的新的法律一般都是既往不咎知道吗? +1
              • 美国、北约在(侵略)战争中对贫铀弹的广泛使用是不远的事,其长期污染不比化武差多少,而且目前还在继续,美国、北约被审判了么?
                • 贫铀弹好像公约没有禁止吧
                  • 贫铀弹就那么几个国家在他国领土上使用,被造成长期放射污染的都是那些没地位的国家,谁来给他们定公约?核武、生武,如果不是某些国家为了遏制后来者,会牵头搞公约?再说了,生武公约有几个大国在遵守? +2
        • 照你这么说赶紧闭嘴吧,没有一件事儿你可以证明的。日本被核弹攻击你看见了?那个法庭判的? +2
          • 😂😂😂 +1
    • 历史永远是胜利者来书写的,而人类的本性往往是慕强的,不单单是日本人,任何一个殖民地或类殖民地都是这样。笑贫不笑娼,听起来三观不正,但现实就是现实。 +3
      • 讲穿了就是怎么回事嘛。那些美粉的脑子,唉 +1
    • 不同时代的标准是不一样的。二战轰炸并不光是原子弹。死于燃烧弹的平民人数远高于这两颗原子弹。原子弹还是物理学家推荐出来的,当时的人就认为是个大号炸弹 +1
      • 问题是有东京审判呀,美国是否应该也站在审判席上?即使到今天,美国人把阿富汗一家炸死了,一个误炸就完了,受到谁的审判了? -lookingout(望); 11:05 (#14491170@0) +2
        • 这种是抬扛。中国警察执勤照样有把无辜的人打死的。49年渡江的时候英国军舰为了讨论跟渡轮平行驾驶,结果渡轮被解放军击沉,死亡上千 +1
          • 究竟谁在抬杠? +1

            Debate over bombings

            Main article: Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

            The role of the bombings in Japan's surrender, and the ethical, legal, and military controversies surrounding the United States' justification for them have been the subject of scholarly and popular debate.[320] On one hand, it has been argued that the bombings caused the Japanese surrender, thereby preventing casualties that an invasion of Japan would have involved.[7][321] Stimson talked of saving one million casualties.[322] The naval blockade might have starved the Japanese into submission without an invasion, but this would also have resulted in many more Japanese deaths.[323]

            However, some critics of the bombings have cited a belief that atomic weapons are fundamentally immoral, that the bombings were war crimes, and that they constituted state terrorism.[324] Others, such as Japanese historian Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, argued that the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan "played a much greater role than the atomic bombs in inducing Japan to surrender because it dashed any hope that Japan could terminate the war through Moscow's mediation".[325] A view among critics of the bombings, that was popularized by American historian Gar Alperovitz in 1965, is the idea of atomic diplomacy: that the United States used nuclear weapons to intimidate the Soviet Union in the early stages of the Cold War. James Orr wrote that this idea became the accepted position in Japan and that it may have played some part in the decision making of the US government.[326]

            • 批评的文章很多,这才是言论自由。对比中国不要说讨论,很多事情普通人根本就不知道
              • 不是说就事论事吗?怎么扯到中国去了? +1