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Ukraine war ‘a horror story of violations against civilians’ - BBC News
Russia’s war in Ukraine has been described as a “horror story of violations against civilians in which respect for international law has been tossed aside”, ...

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 联合国已建立50例俄军屠杀平民的确凿资料。 +3
    Ukraine war ‘a horror story of violations against civilians’ - BBC News
    Russia’s war in Ukraine has been described as a “horror story of violations against civilians in which respect for international law has been tossed aside”, ...
    • 俄罗斯从来漠视生命,这次有些麻烦了 +2
      • 和大陆一样一样的,自己都不把自己当人,怎么会被尊重?就这样,俄罗斯人还瞧不起大陆人。疫情开始,像牲口一样撵大陆生意人。 +1