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草皮不到300,网上订,直接送到driveway. Home Depot 租翻地机中型的就够了,大概几十块4小时。剩下100多奖励, 是不是有点黑。😅

Greenhorizons Sod Farms is a producer and supplier of sustainable sod, soil and turf grass in Ontario. Greenhorizons brands range from LEED accredited turf grass blends to IPM produced specialty turf grass for the golf industry and cutting-edge natural sports turf pitch systems. Established over 40 years ago, Greenhorizons Sod Farms has earned a reputation of having a commitment to quality, service and innovation, supplying top quality sod and black garden soil directly to professionals and homeowners.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 前院需要重新铺草皮,不知坛里是否有用过的公司推荐,谢谢!
    • 技术含量很低的活。需要有把子力气。自己干吧。 +1
      • 新屋铺过前后院,2天掉了5or6斤称,不知道是肉还是水
        • 去年入冬之前铺的,一天准备工作,一天铺,一共3个skids,约1500平。今年已经割完第二遍草。


          • 👍这个工作量不小
          • 这准备工作比较费力气,你这是纯手动还是借用设备了?
            • 纯手动。grading,包括那些大石头和路基,已经事先请人做好了。到了铺草皮的时候又长出了毛茸茸的一片野草,而且表土板结。我的准备工作就是锄一遍杂草松松土。
    • 去年后院重铺草皮,问了几家平均报价3000左右,包给大娃500块一天搞定,今年长得油绿油绿。 +3
      • 把旧草皮掀了一天也干不完吧,还不算扔垃圾
        • 用翻地机先翻一遍,然后把旧草捡出来,先堆在后院角落里,扔垃圾的时候放垃圾桶里一起扔了就行了。
      • 这500块是给老大的奖励,还是草坪的钱?请问哪里买的草坪?
        • 草皮不到300,网上订,直接送到driveway. Home Depot 租翻地机中型的就够了,大概几十块4小时。剩下100多奖励, 是不是有点黑。😅
          Greenhorizons Sod Farms is a producer and supplier of sustainable sod, soil and turf grass in Ontario. Greenhorizons brands range from LEED accredited turf grass blends to IPM produced specialty turf grass for the golf industry and cutting-edge natural sports turf pitch systems. Established over 40 years ago, Greenhorizons Sod Farms has earned a reputation of having a commitment to quality, service and innovation, supplying top quality sod and black garden soil directly to professionals and homeowners.
          • 老大真好,也是你们教子有方!谢谢信息,今年也想把后院草坪重铺一下
          • 翻地机能处理裸露的树根和石头吗?
            • 不行,估计要大型专业翻地机才行吧。
    • Dang's team
      • 党的队伍?
      • 我去,这是谁啊,吓死!哈哈!
    • 其实不需要重新铺,把旧的草皮完全去掉,这个是体力活。然后撒草籽,啥草籽都行。然后铺一层肥土,top soil不行,至少是3和1的那种。自己配也行,一包top soil,一包牛羊粪土,一包lawn soil,混好,铺在草籽上。连续浇水2周等发芽。秋天做效果最好,9月中下旬。
      • 这个成本和工作量比直接铺草皮要多吧,而且铺草皮立竿见影 +1
        • 成本比铺草皮便宜,看地大小,前院不大的话,土和草籽应该200多点就能搞定。工作量类似,不会比铺草皮更多。隔壁邻居2年前在我的建议下做了,现在效果很好。