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Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 15.06.2022
This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 15th of JuneRumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1613003Email: military.summary.info@gmail.comBTC: bc...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 据专家透露,俄罗斯将在7月份再次动员,尽快解决乌克兰问题,以便应对即将爆发的台海冲突。 +2
    Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 15.06.2022
    This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 15th of JuneRumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1613003Email: military.summary.info@gmail.comBTC: bc...
    • 洗洗睡吧 +7
    • 抵制和平论坛。请把俺的帖子放回原处,或者就直接删了吧。
      • 是呀,也不知道这样的大陆话标题为什么要弄一个乌克兰战局个人分析,没听到这人说什么台海啊?这样的垃圾就删了吧。