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Sole survivor of Russian firing squad escaped execution by playing dead - BBC News
Taxi driver and father of four, Ivan Skyba, was one of a group of Ukrainian men defending their suburban street near Kyiv at the start of the war. He narrowl...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 俄军行刑队枪决时漏了一个,这个人装死逃过一劫,这就是俄罗斯战争罪的人证啊。 +1
    Sole survivor of Russian firing squad escaped execution by playing dead - BBC News
    Taxi driver and father of four, Ivan Skyba, was one of a group of Ukrainian men defending their suburban street near Kyiv at the start of the war. He narrowl...
    • 謠言,裝死可恥! +1
    • 此人才是凶手。杀了所有的人,然后编造谎言。 +3
      • Did you have any evidence before you made such a claim? +3
        • Most ppl on this forum make statements without evidence anyway. Some ppl even claimed the vaccine is nano-robot meant to control your brain. +4
          • 所以不能太较真,太较真的都走了,最后剩下一帮胡说八道或者对胡说八道已经无所谓的 +6
            • 所以现在我也很少发言了