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电影“The Pursuit of Happyness”里有一段,人跟人不一样

Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you you can't do it.”

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  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 几件小事,芝麻开门 +14
    • 有的人真得是活的明白,活得开心,好羡慕啊 +7
      • 有人习惯用谦虚的语言 +9
      • 多谢🙏多谢😁
    • 好温暖的心 +6
      • 🙏🙏🙏多谢 +1
    • 不错,感谢分享 +2
      • 多谢🙏多谢😁
    • 哇,高人😁😁👍👍 +2
      • 多谢🙏多谢🤝🤪
    • 长发哥有魅力 +1
      • 多谢🙏多谢🤝🤝🤝
    • 哇塞,【肉联上的快乐家庭】肯定异口同声:臣妾做不到哈 +3
      • 电影“The Pursuit of Happyness”里有一段,人跟人不一样

        Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you you can't do it.”

        • 传说帮女人开车门的只有两种情况:一是车是新的,怕女人碰到别的;二是女人是新的,讨好巴结。诡称骑士风度不过是脸薄的遮羞布。像老兄这样的骨子里的尊重女人,上海人里也是少见的 +3
          • 我车价值500块吧,老婆是无价之宝,因为这个世界上,只有她宝贝我 😜 +2
            • 这就叫相依为命吧 +2
            • 你的命咋这好呢? 年轻时玩够啦, 老婆比你好看多了还对你这么好. 羡慕!! +1
              • 傻子有傻福😂 +2
    • 哈哈。。上海丈母娘最不上架,土包子,没养过狗,不知道小狗狗都会争宠旺旺旺。。你的故事说明她在贬值!咋办呢? +1