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Including multiple people in your submission


As the primary traveller, you may provide travel information for yourself and for:

  • your spouse or common law partner
  • your children (or children for whom you have legal guardianship), aged 18 years or younger
  • any other adult in your residence with the same travel destination in Canada

You can provide information for up to 8 travellers, including yourself, in a single submission.

Use this when:

  • you'll all stay together at the same address for the entire quarantine or isolation period, if required and
  • you have their permission to collect and share this information

Include unvaccinated children or dependent adults in your submission regardless of their vaccination status.

Travelling with mixed vaccination status or citizenship

Don't include other travellers who aren't travelling for the same purpose of travel or who are not fully vaccinated in a single submission unless they are:

  • less than 18 years old or a dependent adult travelling with a fully vaccinated guardian

For example,

  • if you are a foreign national entering Canada for discretionary purposes and travelling with another person who is a Canadian citizen, you should complete individual submissions
  • if you are travelling with a group of adult foreign nationals with mixed vaccination statuses, do not include unvaccinated travellers in your submission (unless they are dependent adults); you will not be issued an ArriveCAN receipt as unvaccinated foreign nationals are not eligible to enter Canada for discretionary travel

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 请问最近有去美国的朋友,入境美国有没有什么疫情方面的限制?要打疫苗证明或事先填什么表吗?从美国回加拿大有没有什么限制?
    • 没啥了,回加还是要填写arriveCAN
      • 不会吧,美国陆路入境还是要求疫苗证明吧,至于查不查又是另外一回事。不知道做飞机要不要。
        • 两针疫苗。
      • 不知道别瞎说 +1
        • 不敢。
    • 坐飞机的经验:去美国没有要求,回加拿大要填ArriveCan,要求两针疫苗证明
    • 非美国护照的入境美国还是需要疫苗证,不管是陆路还是坐飞机,陆路出入N回,基本不查,最多问问,但不能保证不查。坐飞机不清楚,估计和航空公司有关。
    • 我假定你是打了两针疫苗的~刚刚又和朋友确认了一下,参见官网


      • 我是打了三针,开车去,想知道有没有啥规定或限制,别一无所知到关卡被拦下
        • 放宽心 ,陆路更容易
          • 谢谢
        • 我三天前陆路进入美国,没有一个问题是有关疫苗的。
          • 谢谢,最近听说美国猴痘比较厉害,今天网上看一消息说有的州进入紧急状态,不知真假
            • NY and California. Most of the infected are "men who have sex with other men".
              • 关键不知道紧急状态是会怎样,对公众有何影响
    • 刚去过,开车,进美国完全不问疫苗的事,回来事先填了arrivCan,有二维码,但是边境完全没问也没要,开出好远才想起,是不是应该主动交那个二维码?
      • 大家都提这个arrivCan是啥?
        • 一个手机app,入境需要填写产生二维码交给入境官。主要是疫苗有关的信息。五月时入关不知道,被拦在边境现弄。这次知道了,入境前72小时弄好就行,产生一个二维码和一个code。准备交给入境官的,结果他也没问我们也忘了。
          • 谢谢答疑,那我手机下载一下,每个人都要下载吗?还是一个人的手机上就可以都做了?
            • 我这个玩意刚出来的第一天就填过,里面可以填写同行的家人(最多5人,目的地要一致),所以如果一个人的arrviCan里填过家庭成员,就可以
              • 请教:没打疫苗的小孩回加拿大要隔离吗? +1
            • 最新规定, +1
              Including multiple people in your submission


              As the primary traveller, you may provide travel information for yourself and for:

              • your spouse or common law partner
              • your children (or children for whom you have legal guardianship), aged 18 years or younger
              • any other adult in your residence with the same travel destination in Canada

              You can provide information for up to 8 travellers, including yourself, in a single submission.

              Use this when:

              • you'll all stay together at the same address for the entire quarantine or isolation period, if required and
              • you have their permission to collect and share this information

              Include unvaccinated children or dependent adults in your submission regardless of their vaccination status.

              Travelling with mixed vaccination status or citizenship

              Don't include other travellers who aren't travelling for the same purpose of travel or who are not fully vaccinated in a single submission unless they are:

              • less than 18 years old or a dependent adult travelling with a fully vaccinated guardian

              For example,

              • if you are a foreign national entering Canada for discretionary purposes and travelling with another person who is a Canadian citizen, you should complete individual submissions
              • if you are travelling with a group of adult foreign nationals with mixed vaccination statuses, do not include unvaccinated travellers in your submission (unless they are dependent adults); you will not be issued an ArriveCAN receipt as unvaccinated foreign nationals are not eligible to enter Canada for discretionary travel
              • 谢谢长发哥 +1
            • Arrive CAN 刚刚看到说 有重大改进,针对机场入关更快,可以提前填写。你如果需要旧版本详细指示,私信我邮件给你。
              • 谢谢,我是开车过去,和机场是不是不一样?
                • 所有入境加拿大 都是这一个 Arrive CAN
      • 早就跟护照关联了,刷了护照就调出arrivCan, arrivCan里有让你填护照号码吧?😄 +1
        • 谢谢答疑,应该是这样。
    • 刚刚去美国玩了几天回来,开车陆路,进美国的时候只问了一下去美国的目的就放行了,完全没有问疫苗证明啥的,回加拿大时关口也只问了有没有买酒,家住哪里两个问题,别的啥都没有问,没有填任何表格,都不知道你们说的什么arrivCan
      • 漏网之鱼?😝你们都是加拿大护照简单,我带我妈,她是中国护照,我就怕入境,好麻烦,几年前全家和孩子爷爷去美国,因为他中国护照,被带到旁边的屋子排队等好久,还不让去卫生间,完事后发现车里被翻个底朝天,真过分
        • 我要不上揉脸都不知道你们上面讨论的那个arrivCan😅。持中国护照入美国就是麻烦,要去小屋子办小白卡。不过现在过关的人很少,估计去小屋子办卡也应该耽搁不了很久。
          • 我们两周前去的,没有办小白卡。

            • 没让去小屋子?半年内去过吧?
              • 三年没去了,整三年