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“When we turn on mobile phones or radio, they can recognize our presence immediately,” said Denys. “And then the shooting starts.”

Counter-battery radar systems automatically detected and located Ukrainians who were targeting the Russians with projectiles, unleashing a barrage of artillery fire in response.

“We lost five people for every one they did,” said Ihor, a 30-year-old platoon commander

Russia’s Orlan drones exposed Ukrainian positions from more than a kilometer above their heads, they said, an altitude that meant they never heard the buzz of the aircraft tracking their movements.

Russian hacking tools hijacked the drones of Ukrainian operators, who saw their aircraft drift away helplessly behind enemy lines.


Wali tried to warn two Ukrainians to put out their cigarettes and stick to the small, damp trench they’d dug, rather than move closer to nearby Russian tanks. Instinctively, he moved several metres away from the pair.

Moments later a huge explosion lit up the site, pieces of burning shrapnel shooting through the air “like lasers.” Then he saw the two Ukrainians. One lay on the ground, his legs and one arm gone, clearly dead. The other was still barely alive, his body ravaged by the blast.

Then, “ten seconds after I came he stopped breathing.”


Mr Söder said he subsequently led a group of foreigners including Scandinavians, British and Americans out of the base and back across the Polish border.

“They knew exactly what to hit,” he said.

“They knew exactly where our weapons storage was. They knew exactly where the administration building was. They hit the nail on the head with all their missiles.”

Another US Army veteran who survived the attack, identified as “Hieu”, spoke to military publication Task & Purpose this week.

“I survived because the missiles struck the hard structures instead of the tents where I was,” he said. “The Ukrainians offered to take anyone who didn’t want to keep fighting after the missile strike back to the border.”


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 乌军士兵和外籍士兵告诉你俄军火力的精准。说好的代差呢?



    “When we turn on mobile phones or radio, they can recognize our presence immediately,” said Denys. “And then the shooting starts.”

    Counter-battery radar systems automatically detected and located Ukrainians who were targeting the Russians with projectiles, unleashing a barrage of artillery fire in response.

    “We lost five people for every one they did,” said Ihor, a 30-year-old platoon commander

    Russia’s Orlan drones exposed Ukrainian positions from more than a kilometer above their heads, they said, an altitude that meant they never heard the buzz of the aircraft tracking their movements.

    Russian hacking tools hijacked the drones of Ukrainian operators, who saw their aircraft drift away helplessly behind enemy lines.


    Wali tried to warn two Ukrainians to put out their cigarettes and stick to the small, damp trench they’d dug, rather than move closer to nearby Russian tanks. Instinctively, he moved several metres away from the pair.

    Moments later a huge explosion lit up the site, pieces of burning shrapnel shooting through the air “like lasers.” Then he saw the two Ukrainians. One lay on the ground, his legs and one arm gone, clearly dead. The other was still barely alive, his body ravaged by the blast.

    Then, “ten seconds after I came he stopped breathing.”


    Mr Söder said he subsequently led a group of foreigners including Scandinavians, British and Americans out of the base and back across the Polish border.

    “They knew exactly what to hit,” he said.

    “They knew exactly where our weapons storage was. They knew exactly where the administration building was. They hit the nail on the head with all their missiles.”

    Another US Army veteran who survived the attack, identified as “Hieu”, spoke to military publication Task & Purpose this week.

    “I survived because the missiles struck the hard structures instead of the tents where I was,” he said. “The Ukrainians offered to take anyone who didn’t want to keep fighting after the missile strike back to the border.”

    • 也就是说,所有俄国对乌克兰城市中心闹市平民区的攻击,都是精确地计算好的,蓄意以平民为攻击目标。
      • 有时候要制造恐怖情绪,如果打击太精确老百姓会觉得跟自己没关系。
        • 每天都在发生。每天。而且是多个城市。俄国对乌克兰城市中心闹市平民区的攻击每天都在发生。
    • 老文章了,说的是乌军在收复哈尔科夫战斗前声东击西进攻赫尔松的时候的事。谁都知道当进攻受阻的时候都会觉得敌人非常厉害,心理作用。文章里说的打仗的区域前段时间应该是被乌军收复了。
    • 苏鹅老式的反舰导弹非常适合打击固定目标。俄罗斯国防部;空天军使用高精尖武器在基辅和哈尔科夫地区击中了乌克兰军事指挥所和能源设施。而海军海基远程导弹击中了利沃夫州布罗迪一个储存有大量来自西方国家的武器、军事装备和弹药的兵工厂
      • 而且还准确地击中了大量的居民楼,医院,幼稚园,学校,儿童操场,商场。都是有计划瞄准的精确打击。 +1
        • 精准打击难免有误伤,比南联盟伊拉克如何?
          • 我们谴责一切针对平民的军事攻击,即使攻击者是美国,即使受害者在南联盟和伊拉克。
            • 赞成,不要双标!昨天还有人在那里称赞美爹,不是你嘛?
            • 事后与即时有些区别
    • 我知道很多年前俄罗斯用导弹钻窗户炸死了叛军首领。据说叛军手机泄露了位置。
      • 华为手机 +1
        • 俄国导弹加华为手机·负负得正?
    • 谁和你说好的代差你找谁去啊。 +1