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You are right.

You are right. For example, you short NT 1000 shares, the price is $12.00. if you open a cash ccount, you should have $12000 cash in your count, then you can short it. after three days, now the NT price is $11.00, If you cover at this price, you earn 1000 dollars. Anyway, if you don''t want to cover it, No problem. But if the price is going up, now NT is $13.00, so you lose $1000 dollars, if you don't cover it , you should deposit another 1000 dollars in your count and make it banlance. So simple. It is not easy to do it, perhaps you never know the market trend. Up and down same opportunity. Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 那位大虾能介绍介绍这儿的股票运做规则?在那儿开户好?税收情况?(我听说税收特高, 50%?)
    • What you heard is wrong. 股票 is good for tax purpose. I don't have money to play 股票, but I am learning.
      • Please give some suggestions. How to learn it?
        • you can get some books from CSI. see the link
          • 谢啦,不过LINK无法打开呀?
            • Sorry, try this one
              • got it! thanks again.
            • I know the reason now, this will work: https://www.investorlearning.ca/ilcdev/
          • OK, 多了个HTTP://
      • up
    • 50%是指Capital Gain(包括股票收益)中只有50%需要纳税,也就是说税率减半。
    • 在这炒股比国内好多了,很少有庄家骗线,业绩也和股价一至。一般投资基金都一长线为主,不象国内,老在回避短线风险。
      • thanks
    • 美股现在仍处在熊市第一期的可能性较大,最多也是在漫长的熊市第二期,离熊市第三期(恐慌性抛售)还远着呢. 与其做多错多,不如闭关练功. 练好万佛朝宗,等到牛市来到,破关而出,大杀四方.
      • 同意。 就是没票票。 哈。
      • If you think the market is bear now, you can short and also make money. but I think maybe you never know what is time to short or long. good luck!
        • I don't know what's short. Is that mean I sell it I don't own, and but back later when it lower price. But how long before I buy back?
          • You are right.
            You are right. For example, you short NT 1000 shares, the price is $12.00. if you open a cash ccount, you should have $12000 cash in your count, then you can short it. after three days, now the NT price is $11.00, If you cover at this price, you earn 1000 dollars. Anyway, if you don''t want to cover it, No problem. But if the price is going up, now NT is $13.00, so you lose $1000 dollars, if you don't cover it , you should deposit another 1000 dollars in your count and make it banlance. So simple. It is not easy to do it, perhaps you never know the market trend. Up and down same opportunity. Good luck!
            • question??? ".............. But if the price is going up,
              now NT is $13.00, so you lose $1000 dollars, if you don't cover it , **you should deposit another 1000 dollars **in your count and make it banlance."

              YOu mean you cannot use your margin?
          • I just said he opened a cash count (not margin count and margin short count)
        • 请问指数也可以这么做么?
          • For sure . nasdaq 100 index is $25 per point and e-mini s&p500 is $50 per point (dow jones is $10 per point). mini deposit is USD 5000.
            • 请问,指数操作的对手方是谁?
              • everyone at the market
                • 我想问的是:指数达到某一点数,我想卖出,此时市场内并没有人愿意买,怎么成交?
                  • It is impossible. You just think about this question, why does the index go up or down?
                    • 你说的可以卖空的指数,是不是股票加权计算出来的? 难道也是一种股票?
                      • not yet. It is future. check this website(http://www.cme.com)
                        • 多谢,我看多一些再来请教
          • everyone at the market(including yourself)
        • 买卖指数,其实是买卖指数期货,而不是当时计算出来的指数‧你卖空而无人承接,你必须不断降低报价直到有人做对手才能成交,这也是为什么会有gap的原因‧
      • 对于投资金融市场,何时进场(include long & short)并不重要,重要的是如何出场‧也就是说,在你进场之前,必须订好一套有正期望值(expected value)的出场策略,并严格执行,这样才有胜利的希望‧
        • absolutely
      • 股票市场上,牛市第二期到牛市第三期是最容易赚钱的时候(但能否取得最终的胜利,关键是你可以避开之后的熊市),其它的时期风高浪急,非浪里白条最好不要参与‧
    • 熊市照样有好股票。象CANADA的FUTURE的SHOP,已涨了很多了。
      • Sorry, it is Future Shop (FSS).