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mei ban fa lar

my rent is $260 one month. i really dont have no money to pay for a better place.

here are my expenses:
rent $260
groceries: $300( i have no car so i do grocery shopping in a super market close to my home. it is an expensive store)
local phone bill: $45
cell phone:$40
long distance phone bill: $100
isp service charge: $40
purchasing clothing: $200
haircut: $30
taxies: $150(sometimes i just really got fed up with travelling by bus)
metro pass:$90
CDs, karaokes, going out for a drink, dinning out, etc, $200

plus i pay $8,000-10,000 tuition fee one year. the difference varies with how many courses i take.

i have been here for 3 years. no job. wo3 ke3 lian2 ba1~~~~`

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 各位在Toronto的同胞,你们一个月的生活费除房租外要花多少钱?包括各种费用,不光是吃饭。请指教。
    • For how many people? 1000 bucks is enough for a 3-people family.
    • 与其说一个数,不如列种类来,你能更好判断。我当年也是到处找这些数据。



      2,手机:签约1-2年,0机价。每月30以上月费,超额。。。HTTP://WWW。ROGERS。COM/ HTTP://WWW。TELUS。COM/

      • 你为啥不买米?
        • good question
        • 不好意思,我不会做饭。
          • 真亲切,我也是才学着做的.
          • 买一个电饭锅,把米和水放进去,插上电 就行乐
      • 您当年也是到处找这些数据, 我当年到处找这老些钱.
    • Here is my monthly expense ( a couple without kids):
      Rent: 700/mo
      Telephone: 45/mo, Mobilephone: 45/mo, Cable (basic): 25/mo, Hydro: 25/mo, Parking: 45/mo, gas: 120/mo, Car insurance: 90/mo, Long distance call (Call toChina): 25/mo. Grocery: 200/mo, Transportation: 90/mo
      • where do you live? I guess not in toronto, your rent is so cheap.
        • 我房租260,多伦多,便宜吗
          • 您住家里?
            • 住街上收260一个月么
              • that is fine. haha...
                • mei ban fa lar
                  my rent is $260 one month. i really dont have no money to pay for a better place.

                  here are my expenses:
                  rent $260
                  groceries: $300( i have no car so i do grocery shopping in a super market close to my home. it is an expensive store)
                  local phone bill: $45
                  cell phone:$40
                  long distance phone bill: $100
                  isp service charge: $40
                  purchasing clothing: $200
                  haircut: $30
                  taxies: $150(sometimes i just really got fed up with travelling by bus)
                  metro pass:$90
                  CDs, karaokes, going out for a drink, dinning out, etc, $200

                  plus i pay $8,000-10,000 tuition fee one year. the difference varies with how many courses i take.

                  i have been here for 3 years. no job. wo3 ke3 lian2 ba1~~~~`
          • 惨哪,惨!......
        • I have a friend lived around downtwon Toronto, over $900/month, one bedroom. The price varies a lot with locations.
          • Yeah, one bedroom suite at yonge and bloor, 1400, that was five years ago by the way
            • That's the reason he moved to Ottawa last year. $1400/month can buy a decent house in Ottawa :)
        • I am living in Toronto. I know it sounds like impossible. By the way, it is a junior one bedroom apartment.( not a condo). We are really lucky to live in this small, quiet apartment building. Many of our friends are suprised at this price
          and the equipment the it has : fridge (They gave us a new one when we complained that it was too old), stove, Microwave, Air conditioner, cooking hood ( In Chinese, You Yan Ji). And we live in the beaches area where is ten minutes walk from the Lake Ontario.
          As far as I know the regular one bedroom apartment in this building is 850-900/Mo, it is equipted with dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. Very nice, and big. What makes me comfortable is since it is a small building, the superintendant knows everybody, he can take care of everything for you even rescue your dogs and cats.
          • could you kindly tell me where your building is? and i am considering moving. thanks.
            • 485 Kingston road. Superintendant's telephone is 416-693-2576.
      • 每个月200块Grocery?我两个人DOUBLE一下都不够,而且没敢在外面吃饭,中午也是带便当。日用品也是去WALMART买。
        稍微奢侈一点的开支就是平均每天每人一个苹果,有时买点草莓、西瓜;酸奶;ICE CREAM;前一阵还会在MUFFIN晚八点以后mmMUFFIN特价买6个5.5的MUFFIN,够我们三天的早餐。
        • 天哪, 这也叫奢侈???
          • 我觉得她这样挺好的,正说明心理准备充分,在生活没有走上正轨之前一切小心点好。将来回忆起这一段小心翼翼的日子也别有一种情趣。
            • 是这么个理儿
              • Agree.
          • 所以我觉得吃200块钱一个月简直是开玩笑!
            • 还是有可能的,主要看在哪里买东西。
              • 我觉得还是看到底吃些什么?据我所知,Loblaw、Domino的东西一般比No Frills贵20%-30%,但特价的东西常常比No Frills不特价的时候要便宜。
                比如这周Astro Fat free12合装的酸奶,Domino特价3.77(原价5.99),No Frills是4.27;这周Domino的西瓜3.77/each,实在也很便宜了。我大部分食物都是在No Frills买,肉和一些青菜在唐人街买。No Frills的东西确实便宜,(比如18只装的EXTRA LARGE的鸡蛋),但东西实在也没有Loblaw、Domino新鲜。
                • hehe watermelon in nofill today is 2.54 and in pricechopper is 2.97( no seed)
                • 准吓你一跳:还有一个女孩子,她说他一个星期只需$20就够了。
                • 那种酸奶, 我在No Frills买过2此, 一次是1.99,一次是1.27.
                  • 我买的是12只小盒装的,不是一大盒。大盒的我一次吃不了。
                    • 我说的是12小盒装的, 买的日期是6月份, 现在总碰不到了.
                • 对呀!这几个礼拜loblaws好多东西都很便宜,上几个礼拜valumart上好的大排肉也很便宜。

            • 我们夫妇二人 每月也就花$250吃饭 而且我中午从不带饭 都在外吃 奇怪 为何会差这么多
              • 节省一点一个人一餐LUNCH应该在4-5块,算4.5*20天,也要90了吧。你还要吃早餐、晚餐呢。比如早餐,牛奶这里比国内便宜,一周4升,也要15$了。总要吃其他的吧。
        • 我们家三个成年人,吃饭每个月500足够了
          自己做,吃的还不错,猪肉大排老虎虾水果奶蛋蔬菜都充足,我还常买ice cream和糖果点心。我不常去Chinatown买菜,其实loblaws, dominion, valumart也都常有很好的价钱。只有吃的圆米是在no frills买的。
    • 我们夫妻两人除房租外每月的必须花销大致为:
      食物:$350 包括偶尔出外用餐,保险:160,汽油:$100,TTC:$95,ADSL:$45,市话:$28,长话:$30,日用品:$30,洗衣:$20
      • 极其精确。但事物350好象不能包出外牙祭。
        • 看来我也可算得细心的主妇了,但却还是常常被先生称为哈哈太太 ^_^。
          食物花销不大的原因可能是因为我们两人不喜欢吃洋人的cheese,butter,cookies 等食物吧,而这些东西往往很贵啊!我们家标准的中晚餐一般是两菜+一汤+米饭。我们从不在吃上节省,一般想吃什么就买什么;当然龙虾之流的就吃的很少了。
        • “快”餐叭。
          • 先生和我都不喜欢吃所谓的快餐,是快餐的敌人。
            也许我们一月食物花费不止$350? 不过,不论如何,在这里用于吃的花费所占比重不算太多。我们两人在外用餐一次大约$30左右;如果是下午茶之类,$20就差不多了。
    • The following are my monthly expenses (A Couple without kids)
      The following are my monthly expenses (A Couple without kids)
      Mortgage CAD$1300, Property TAX: CAD$300
      Hydro + Gas = around CAD $ 150 to $250 (Up to the season)
      CABLE + CABLE Internet = (60 + 39.95) *(1+GST+PST)
      2 Cell Phones + Local Phone around CAD$100
      Car Insurance + Car Loan =CAD$600
      Foods and eating-out costs me CAD$500 a month.
      BTW, I have been here for almost 6 years.
      • I have the similar expense, plus i have a baby, so another 1200/month for live-in nanny
      • 你的日常开销就要三千以上,够不少的,万一被lay-off就惨了。
      • IMHO, ur last line has nothing to do with ur expenses. I've been here for longer time, hehe, and I know many aged couples from China, who've been here for >12 yrs and hv good&stable income, spend less than u:P
    • our expense(couple with a kid)
      The following are our monthly expenses (A Couple a kid )
      Mortgage CAD$2600(double pay), Property TAX: CAD$350
      Hydro CAD $200(summer)-400 (winter)
      CABLE CAD$60
      2 Cell Phones + Local Phone CAD$100
      Car Insurance + Car Loan =CAD$1000
      Gas $200
      Foods CAD$600
      Clothes etc $500
      We have been here about 2 years, and we both have work
      • 我替你加了一下,共五千七、八百,两人都挣60K还差不多,厉害。
        • My husband earns about 100k/year, I earn about 70k/year
      • Who take care of your child? You should not foget that, you may hire a person which can get $2000 from you for this.
        • My parents are here, taking care of my kid.
          • So your expense is not just couple with a kid.