When the time is right, people will go in their own separate directions, having gotten what they needed from the relationship to prepare them for the next step.
in their own separate directions, 语义不通
So we should love passionately and without attachment. When it is time to say farewell, to do it with appreciation. No remorse, no regret, no ill feeling. And we move on with our own lives, getting ready for the next encounter. 整段的结构和句法凌乱, 既不象诗, 又不象文。
in their own separate directions, 语义不通
So we should love passionately and without attachment. When it is time to say farewell, to do it with appreciation. No remorse, no regret, no ill feeling. And we move on with our own lives, getting ready for the next encounter. 整段的结构和句法凌乱, 既不象诗, 又不象文。