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Cemetery Over the last week Ukrainian officials have been insisting that the long-promised counter-offensive is ayed until the West can pony up tanks, ammunition, artillery and other weapons.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 乌克兰大反攻损失惨重,第一天就损失了1700人。米国媒体称其为自杀冲锋。北约资深人士说这是孤注一掷的行为。
    Cemetery Over the last week Ukrainian officials have been insisting that the long-promised counter-offensive is ayed until the West can pony up tanks, ammunition, artillery and other weapons.
    • On May 12, in the first day of their scheme, 1,725 Ukrainian men were killed on the Donbass front. This is the worst day’s military casualty rate since the US coup in Kiev launched the war in February 2014.
      According to the Financial Times, this killing didn’t happen. Instead, the headline reads: “Ukrainian counter-offensive takes shape with the first gains around Bakhmut.” The Washington Post announced likewise: “How Ukrainian forces denied Russia victory in Bakhmut by Victory Day”. The New York Times repeated: “Ukraine’s Advances Near Bakhmut Expose Rifts in Russian Forces”.
    • 都是新兵蛋子, 死多了以后就不会牺牲那么多了, take easy
    • 你转载过,乌军士兵的平均存活时间是4小时。说明每过4小时就有超过一半的士兵死亡。最保守估计,乌军保持1000士兵,每24小时就要死亡500X6=3000士兵。 +2


      200 X 3,000 = 600,000
