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​Successful Attack on Ivan Khurs Reconnaissance Ship Shows That Ukrainian USV Can Now Reach russian Ships Everywhere in the Black See

It seems that the Ministry of Defense of the russian federation actually lied not only about the nature of the damage to the ship, but also about its tasks in the Bosphorus Strait area as well

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / May 26, 2023 · 俄国防部声明称,三艘敌方船只已全部被摧毁,袭击发生在博斯普鲁斯海峡东北约140公里处。俄国防部还称:“黑海舰队的‘伊万·胡尔斯’号将继续执行任务。 +1

    • ​Successful Attack on Ivan Khurs Reconnaissance Ship Shows That Ukrainian USV Can Now Reach russian Ships Everywhere in the Black See
      It seems that the Ministry of Defense of the russian federation actually lied not only about the nature of the damage to the ship, but also about its tasks in the Bosphorus Strait area as well
    • 俄罗斯的话一向不能当真。 +2
      • 新闻说美国将向乌克兰提供一款战车,没过多久俄国说俄军摧毁这款战车N辆。美国惊诧了:货还没启运呢! +2