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美国国务院发言人Matthew Miller:我们认为这场战争是乌克兰的战略失败!Biden State Department Spokesman: “We Believe The War Has Been A Strategic Failure For Ukraine”

Matthew Miller, the spokesman for the Biden State Department, committed a Bidenism today during his press conference on the war in Ukraine. In an attempt to say that the war has been a 'strategic failure for Russia', Miller claimed that the war has been a 'strategic failure for Ukraine.' Miller can be quoted as saying,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 美国国务院发言人Matthew Miller:我们认为这场战争是乌克兰的战略失败!Biden State Department Spokesman: “We Believe The War Has Been A Strategic Failure For Ukraine” +1
    Matthew Miller, the spokesman for the Biden State Department, committed a Bidenism today during his press conference on the war in Ukraine. In an attempt to say that the war has been a 'strategic failure for Russia', Miller claimed that the war has been a 'strategic failure for Ukraine.' Miller can be quoted as saying,
    • 大陆人,不要再玩这种弱智游戏了。他说了,是口误。 +10
    • 能说出心底话真好!解决乌克兰问题很简单,莫斯科承认泽老司机获得胜利,同时拥有乌东管理权,基辅失去的土地由罗马尼亚匈牙利波兰摩尔多瓦提供补偿,战后重建费用委托法国德国英国政府筹措,白宫承担宣传和新闻服务 +3
      • 罗马尼亚匈牙利波兰摩尔多瓦提供补偿❓why
        • 因为俄罗斯牛叉啊。我是流氓我怕谁。😂😂全世界一起补偿。俄罗斯一家占便宜😂😂😂哪个国家敢不服,大鹅就核弹伺候
        • 罗马尼亚入北约前与乌克兰有领土纠纷,周边国家也差不多,都是苏修遗留下的矛盾
    • 这还用他说?即使乌克兰赢了战争,在战略上都是输的。乌东工业基地彻底被破坏,大量地区被地雷覆盖,大量人口流失,大量男人死亡...... +2
      • 俄乌是邻居,而且永远也搬不走的!所以搞好关系是上策,俗话说得好,远亲不如近邻!
        • 在日本侵占了东三省的情况下,请问:怎么跟日本搞好关系?😂 +2
          • 日本战略失败,其实占领和巩固东3省已经足够了,就此打住!非要占领全中国,太肥,吃下去消化不良!
        • 芬兰已经砌墙了,估计战后如果俄罗斯不分裂的话,乌克兰应该在边境布雷。 +1
          • 瑞典芬兰建北方铁路,军运防鹅
        • 搞不好关系的,那就冷战,老死不相往来,总可以的!最差的就是打仗,2败惧伤!反复报仇,没完没了!
          • 说得好像乌克兰有得选。克里米亚没了,再割掉东部两个省?下次呢? +1
            • 说的乌克兰像是小白兔似的,人家白俄不是和大毛处得不错?
              • 白鹅这个栗子举错了,用墙国做栗子才贴切 lol
                • 白俄更贴近,都是斯拉夫民族,俗称大毛2毛3毛
    • 没有查原文,感觉就这一句英文的真实意思应该是: 拜登国务院发言人:“我们认为这场战争对乌克兰的战略(设计)是失败的”
      • Biden State Dept Spox Misspeaks: "We Believe The War Has Been A Strategic Failure For Ukraine..."
        Biden State Dept Spox Misspeaks: "We Believe The War Has Been A Strategic Failure For Ukraine..."
        Comments made on 7/10/23
    • 普大帝说乌克兰就不该存在,所以司机投降,乌克兰重新加入俄罗斯成为加盟共和国,欧耶,双赢。不对,三赢,包括墙国