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本周拜登政府计划实施另一项恐慌,强调需要更多的疫苗接种,与此同时,17000名医生和科学家签署了一项条约,宣布: “数据证实,2019冠状病毒实验性基因疗法注射必须终止... ... 它们可能损害你的心脏、大脑、生殖组织和肺。”

  • This week the Biden Administration planned to implement another scare that would emphasize the need for more vaccinations, while at the same time 17,000 doctors and scientists have signed a treaty that declared: "The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."
  • 本周拜登政府计划实施另一项恐慌,强调需要更多的疫苗接种,与此同时,17000名医生和科学家签署了一项条约,宣布: “数据证实,2019冠状病毒实验性基因疗法注射必须终止... ... 它们可能损害你的心脏、大脑、生殖组织和肺。”

https://www.p fcchina.org/dajielou/66056.html


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 本周拜登政府计划实施另一项恐慌,强调需要更多的疫苗接种,与此同时,17000名医生和科学家签署了一项条约,宣布: “数据证实,2019冠状病毒实验性基因疗法注射必须终止... ... 它们可能损害你的心脏、大脑、生殖组织和肺。” +3
    • This week the Biden Administration planned to implement another scare that would emphasize the need for more vaccinations, while at the same time 17,000 doctors and scientists have signed a treaty that declared: "The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."
    • 本周拜登政府计划实施另一项恐慌,强调需要更多的疫苗接种,与此同时,17000名医生和科学家签署了一项条约,宣布: “数据证实,2019冠状病毒实验性基因疗法注射必须终止... ... 它们可能损害你的心脏、大脑、生殖组织和肺。”

    https://www.p fcchina.org/dajielou/66056.html

    • 疫苗能损害这损害那,但据说能防止感冒加重。。。。。 +1
      • 2021的冬天没有流感。我的理解是,所有的流感自动免费升级为COVID. +3