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Can't Help Falling in Love ~ 🦃️?🎃?

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How to Catch a Turkey: Wallace, Adam, Elkerton, Andy: 9781492664352:  Amazon.com: BooksRoasted Turkey RecipeFree happy thanksgiving greeting card fall turkey share social media – Pink  the Cat

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
with you……

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / Can't Help Falling in Love ~ 🦃️?🎃? +7

    Download this audio file

    How to Catch a Turkey: Wallace, Adam, Elkerton, Andy: 9781492664352:  Amazon.com: BooksRoasted Turkey RecipeFree happy thanksgiving greeting card fall turkey share social media – Pink  the Cat

    Wise men say
    Only fools rush in
    But I can't help falling in love with you
    Shall I stay?
    Would it be a sin
    If I can't help falling in love with you?

    Like a river flows
    Surely to the sea
    Darling, so it goes
    Some things are meant to be
    Take my hand,
    Take my whole life, too
    For I can't help falling in love with you

    Like a river flows
    Surely to the sea
    Darling, so it goes
    Some things are meant to be
    Take my hand,
    Take my whole life, too
    For I can't help falling in love with you
    with you……

    • 肉脸猫王。。。 +1
      • 谢谢小曲奇~逢年过节,闹一下猫😄
    • 肉脸猫王赛小虎
      • 肉猫过节大快朵颐~
        • 是啥?鱼 or 嘉鹿?
          • 很简单,炒个虾。节日快乐哟~
            • 啥节?
              • 感恩节?
                • 天哪!
                  • 这位朋友一心扑在工作上把节日都忘啦?节日愉快~
    • 哇,感心动耳,开窗户了没🤣🤣
      • 在密不透风的黑屋子里…
        • 听说浴房里声音好
          • 前提是不能穿衣服 +1
            • 寒风袭来瑟瑟发抖,声音里充满了无规律的变奏,“路路路见不平一声吼呀,哎呀妈呀真的冷呀呀” +1
          • 上学时候干的事,每个浴房都传来声嘶力竭失恋失足痛彻心扉的哀嚎,”你知不知道,你知不知道,我终于还是没能轮到~~“ +1
    • 不错啊。
      • 多谢数字哥夸奖,数字哥节日愉快~
    • 这英语发音比 +1
      • 😄绍兴师爷自幼遇见一位碧目紫髯的老翁,神神秘秘掏出一本 +1
    • 肉连的猫王👍V5
      • 其实今天还有重大事情d纪念,一会再说
    • 师爷要在肉联晚会上高歌一曲! +1
      • 发来贺电?
    • 声音洪亮
      • 谢谢六月,这代表了力气和饭量呀😄
    • 歌声流淌像一碗三虾面,量少慢慢吃,鲜得来
      • 🙏姑,何时才能再食三虾面呀
    • 特别喜欢的歌,师爷唱得超正,喜欢那些小转音,点缀得俏皮华丽。最后的掌声道出了听众的心声,节日快乐。 +1
      • 多谢班长~~感恩节快乐啊~
    • 这是我点的歌吧。师爷用猫王的声音,唱出了自己的味道,👍赞。感恩节快乐! +1
      • 🙏雅罗总,雅罗总节日快乐~
    • crazy rich 师爷
      • 🙏大猫,感恩节愉快~
    • 师爷威武,一如既往的威武,👍👍👍 +1
      • 多谢宝玉哥🙏
    • 👍👍👍
      • 多谢桃花,桃花节日快乐~