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Ascension diet and cleansing of the body

Ascension diet and cleansing of the body
When the body is cleansing through juicing and then distill in water
Body will go through a total transformation as fallow:
The Little speck of Celtic Ehroplast
Electroplast ( saltic etroplast ) will disparate soon. ( This is in case the person develop gall stones In the kidneys or the Goldstone)
The hemorrhoidal cells will shrink in 10 days. Then portals into your cells will open to accept The cleansing. Three days top Only on distilled water and bit honey will have a great flow in the cells.
Honey will not allow the sugar flow to drop like the electrolytes.
The Metaphorbic Simbiom Will reconnect all the cells and all of them will correct the negative charge of toxins. Then the polarizing of the charge and a Jeric electric flow will be in complete balance. After that the healing process starts.
So within 20 days the body will be in full capacity to start self-healing.
Also periodontal biometric flow( The gum line of your teeth) is vital for all the cells in the metabolic inflow of bacterial synchronized flow. If it’s in the flow it becomes balance in biome bacterial.
That means that the good bacteria will be more predominant and acidic metric pH will be accordingly to the individuals bodies needs. Because of that the cells of the body will be able to self control how all it works be synchronized and will keep my on how much to be acidic. This is the first step of how the body starts to cleanse.
2 ) And the next step is to increase the inflow of the frequency into the cells. Then when the inflow of the electro signals are consistent and become stabilize signals of resonance then the DNA starts to coordinate and activates the genome. Than that do you know will add then you resonance in the human body and the human body will reach absolute purity for longevity.
The Life force of perfect Being Has the capacity to heal itself. That is why we ask you to detox and use the methods of distilled water and elimination diet.
This Way slowly but surely the body will be able to handle the flushing of the toxins without getting sick through the process..
3) The third part is:
When you reach the perfect balance then the human body begins the restoration on the Etheric field around its self around the body.
And when you do the diet for a long time then the cells with the help of the DNA genome Will reach new frequency that with the help and through the heart
Activates and changes the body frequency light force. ( The heart that has the codes of the space Stargate each individuals based on their own ).
Then the body becomes luminous it starts to glow and it has pulsative flow of energy that sends that new energy into the Etheric Realms The has the signals of the higher residence. Then and only then you are ready to activate your Etheric Body. Intern everyone from the higher Realms of existence can you help you to bring you home. You have to reach certain level of achievement and resonance in order this to happen.
Because we will be able to add the frequency that is necessary for your body and heart to be able to accept and transform the new frequency we send.

凯尔特 Ehroplast 的小斑点
Electroplast(盐etroplast)很快就会分解。 (这是为了防止该人在肾脏或金石中出现胆结石)
隐喻 Simbiom 将重新连接所有细胞,所有细胞都将纠正毒素的负电荷。然后电荷的极化和 Jeric 电流将完全平衡。之后,愈合过程开始。
这意味着有益细菌将占主导地位,并且酸性 pH 值将根据个人身体的需要而定。因此,身体的细胞将能够自我控制所有工作如何同步,并保持酸性的程度。这是身体开始净化的第一步。
当你长期节食时,细胞在 DNA 基因组的帮助下将达到新的频率,通过心脏的帮助
激活并改变身体频率光力。 (心中有每个人基于自己的空间星际之门的代码)。

From the Council of 9
S6 E49 Diet and cleansing of the body / New info Quantum structure and Alchemy of the process You can see the replay here https://webletter.space/.../696ktq7utqj6eddoyar896rqua5h6... Diet and cleansing of the body / New info Quantum structure and Alchemy of the process