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The russians are facing non-stop military losses on Ukrainian soil. About 347,160 aggressor’s troops were eliminated, 8,547 air targets of invaders were shot down, thousands of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks were destroyed by the defenders of Ukraine

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 俄罗斯近期在战争中面临自开战以来单日最惨烈损失,一天内损失1 架战斗机和100 多辆坦克和装甲车。
    据中国军事专栏《火星宏观》20日的报道,乌克兰国防部指出,乌军近期在一天内,击毁 1 架俄军 Su-34,还有多架 Su-34 也部份受损,此外,乌军还摧毁了 44 辆俄罗斯坦克、 60 辆装甲运兵车、38 套火炮系统。
    • 中国的报道不可信啊。看这个,没有提战斗机的事。
      The russians are facing non-stop military losses on Ukrainian soil. About 347,160 aggressor’s troops were eliminated, 8,547 air targets of invaders were shot down, thousands of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks were destroyed by the defenders of Ukraine
    • 是啊,中国政府的报道不可信。还是引用西方媒体报道可靠一些。
    • 规模不大,类似缅北
    • 这速度应该已经打到莫斯科了,也不用2顾美国了😁😁😁