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关于钢琴的益处乐器的益处。。。 刚刚一个用户在我16年前写的一首曲子(在rolia晚会上还弹过的)下面留言了:You made me (Cry) again 。。。。。在另外的留言下面回 It happened to me. I hid from (heart). Now at 69, I truly regret my decision.


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Roman Holiday - Watch you walk away (Original Music)
Some clips from the great movie 'Roman Holiday' with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. These clips are from video "Love hurts" on youtube.com. (Thank you Find...
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 关于钢琴的益处乐器的益处。。。 刚刚一个用户在我16年前写的一首曲子(在rolia晚会上还弹过的)下面留言了:You made me (Cry) again 。。。。。在另外的留言下面回 It happened to me. I hid from (heart). Now at 69, I truly regret my decision. +9


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    Roman Holiday - Watch you walk away (Original Music)
    Some clips from the great movie 'Roman Holiday' with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. These clips are from video "Love hurts" on youtube.com. (Thank you Find...
    • 美👍
    • 好听!
    • 👏👏👏,动人,动听,已经留档可以循环听!
    • 狂赞
    • 'Roman Holiday' is one of my favorite movies. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck are two of my favorite stars.
    • 挺好。不过让别人cry和regret的可能是赫本,而不是你的音乐 +1
      • AI的音乐我听过,玩过。。。马马虎虎吧,比人差。如果让他cry的是赫本应该说She made me cry again。我不是说我音乐写得多好。16年前地下室写的
        • 无意褒贬你的音乐,所以我把后半句删了。我是俗人,很难理解纯音乐就能把人听哭。另外你是从小开始练钢琴吗?这和中学大学开始抱个吉他是两码事,
          • 钢琴我就是拿着随便弹的,不是从小,高中的时候我妹要考音乐系,所以家里有钢琴。纯音乐得知道背后的故事,就像歌词一样,没有歌词谁都不知道歌是啥意思,但是歌词一出来就能打动人。至于吉他我是有老师教的,然后在大学里我还开始教人
            • 所以你的音乐之路和这里大多数孩子的学琴之路是不同的
      • 从来没有被任何音乐触动过吗?假如你把音量关掉,还会有任何感觉吗?比如这一首歌对我来说任何时候听到都会被触动,音乐对人的感染其实是很强大的
        Mama Do You Remember ? - Joe Yamanaka (OST Proof of The Man/ Ningen No Shomei )
        MAMA DO YOU REMEMBER? by JOE YAMANAKA(soundtrack Proof of the Man, 1975)Mama, Do you remember the old straw hat you gave to meI lost the hat long ago flew to...
    • 请问LZ, 这首“Glimmery”也是你的作品吗?记忆中这个旋律应该之前在肉脸里听过… +3
      Glimmery - Original Music
      I can play piano as well. Lots of people asked me: Can you play piano? Of course I can. I just like guitar more.So this was improvised and recorded by me abo...
      • 是的
        • 👍有才, 也佩服一下自己对优美动听的旋律可以做到过耳不忘。。。 +2
          • 你过耳不忘很厉害
    • It’s more like a lullaby, to be honest with you.
      • 我写的lullaby。。。 +3

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        • Wanting to have one more baby...
    • OGG总的音乐,动人心弦👍👍 +1
    • I like it. I can hear the heat beating