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A study conducted by librarians of Emory University in 2022 found that Cureus and Oncotarget together represented 50% of publications deemed controversial or predatory.

Cureus was also criticized for having published a revision of an article that had been elsewhere retracted because of methodological reasons and scrutiny for “possible violations of medical ethics and human rights” (the results of a Covid-19 proxalutamide trial in Brazil).[9]

In April 2022, Cureus displayed a Wall of Shame to "highlight authors who have committed egregious ethical violations as well as the institutions that enabled them".[10] This feature drew criticism as it unjustly put the emphasis on individuals, in particular the corresponding author. This feature was withdrawn in May 2023.

In April 2022, Cureus published notes of concerns relating to nearly 50 papers published without the knowledge of the corresponding author/disputed authorship. In January 2024, 56 papers were retracted.[11]


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / “三分之二的日本人口接种了第三剂或更晚的SARS-CoV-2 mRNA疫苗后观察到所有癌症和一些特定类型癌症(即卵巢癌、白血病、前列腺癌、唇癌/口/咽癌、胰腺癌和乳腺癌)的年龄调整死亡率在统计学上显著增加。” 研究报告链接见内 +5
    “结论在三分之二的日本人口接种了第三剂或更晚的SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP疫苗后,观察到所有癌症和一些特定类型癌症,即卵巢癌、白血病、前列腺癌、唇/口/咽癌、胰腺癌和乳腺癌的年龄调整死亡率在统计学上显著增加。 这些ERα敏感癌症死亡率的这些特别显著的上升可能归因于mRNA-LNP疫苗接种的几种机制,而不是新冠肺炎感染本身或因封锁而减少的癌症护理。 这种可能性的重要性值得进一步研究。”
    • “这些ERα敏感癌症死亡率的显著上升可能归因于mRNA-LNP疫苗接种的几种机制,而不是COVID-19感染本身或因封锁而减少的癌症护理。” +3
    • A study conducted by librarians of Emory University in 2022 found that Cureus and Oncotarget together represented 50% of publications deemed controversial or predatory. +1

      Cureus was also criticized for having published a revision of an article that had been elsewhere retracted because of methodological reasons and scrutiny for “possible violations of medical ethics and human rights” (the results of a Covid-19 proxalutamide trial in Brazil).[9]

      In April 2022, Cureus displayed a Wall of Shame to "highlight authors who have committed egregious ethical violations as well as the institutions that enabled them".[10] This feature drew criticism as it unjustly put the emphasis on individuals, in particular the corresponding author. This feature was withdrawn in May 2023.

      In April 2022, Cureus published notes of concerns relating to nearly 50 papers published without the knowledge of the corresponding author/disputed authorship. In January 2024, 56 papers were retracted.[11]

      • 时代变了哈, 图书管理员可以审查专业医疗论文并作出评论, 兼职的助教可以领导全球新冠药物三期临床实验, 文科出身的小报记者可以写出新冠疫苗90%以上防传染的专业评论文章, 我们身在一个励志的年代哈, +7
        • 昙花是很美的
        • 岂止励志,一群医学名词看不懂的,都可以拿出专业药物意见,把自己说成阴谋迫害者了,后面吓得针药不敢用了,这世界真的热闹了。。。 +1
    • 日本人一般顺从权威,这下被害惨了。 +5
      • 日本当时至少有专家指出疫苗的危害,加拿大的疫苗接种率最高 +1
        • 加拿大人最蠢,智忧党连任有望,哈哈 +2
        • 又YY了吧?按2021年底的数据计算,加拿大的疫苗接种率勉强进入前20