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Trump was first indicted in March 2023 by the Manhattan district attorney on state charges related to a hush-money payment to an adult-film star in 2016.

On May 30, he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree by 12 jurors. Prosecutors alleged during the trial that Trump was a part of an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election. Further, they alleged he was part of an unlawful plan to suppress negative information, including the $130,000 payment. Trump pleaded not guilty. Trump will not be sentenced until September 18, a New York judge ruled July 2, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 观点:川普是大骗子, 华人支持他就是被谣言欺骗了。只有受过高等教育的人才能分辨出来。
    • 这就是胡说八道,我不支持川普,但也不会这么认为,支持谁是政见,无可厚非,激素移民、理科生啊,唉,一言难尽 +2
      • 川普是重罪犯。 贺锦丽是检察官。 是正义的来福灵 +1
        • 判决enter之前,川普只是犯罪嫌疑人,不是罪犯,中国刑诉法都是这样的,何况美帝
          • 民意已经对川普进行了正义的审判。 +1
            • 人人得而诛之
              • 蓬佩奥请求川普不要解密肯尼迪文件:那将会是一场属于美国的灾难。 +1


            • 反感川普,但更反感这种民意审判 +1
              • 受过高等教育的人有责任代表民意。
                • 难怪我这么low,我是文盲,但我也不支持川普。。。😄😄 +1
                  • 你支持杀人犯?
          • 陪审团已经定罪了,只要在没有被推翻之前,不是已经是罪犯了?判没判,只是时间问题,不是吗?
            • Trump was first indicted in March 2023 by the Manhattan district attorney on state charges related to a hush-money payment to an adult-film star in 2016.
              On May 30, he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree by 12 jurors. Prosecutors alleged during the trial that Trump was a part of an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election. Further, they alleged he was part of an unlawful plan to suppress negative information, including the $130,000 payment. Trump pleaded not guilty. Trump will not be sentenced until September 18, a New York judge ruled July 2, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity.
      • 新来的,口气还大。大嘴一张,上碰天,下巴磕地。
    • 这么弱智的观点。不过有些人明知没道理还不断地说,就是要达到洗脑的效果。 +5
      • 赞同老胡,虽然我不喜欢川普,但一码归一码 +2
      • 你们要永远相信主流媒体的观点。 坚持每天听三个小时以上,你就会明白, 我对川普这个十恶不赦的大流氓的判断是正确的。 而且都是来自于我自己理性的分析而得出的结论。 所有的观点都是我自己的。 +1
    • 只有受过高等教育的人才能分辨出来这个帖的真正含义
      • MAGA 党就是邪教。 对领袖的无限忠诚。 让人想起了希特勒。数万人在会场上高举美国国旗并高喊“USA". This is not what we do. This is not American. +2
        • 喊啥好呢?闭嘴最好?
    • 老中总在辩论什么是“谣言”,这就是老中不如老印的地方。。。某种意义上,我发现二代老中跟老印很像。LOL。
      • "谣言“就是你相信, 我不相信的东西。 而且我也说不清为啥我不相信的东西。 只要我不懂, 那肯定是”谣言“了。

        “聪明的人怎么可能用自己不擅长的语言去谈论政治?稍微有点智商都知道辩论要用自己的长处 ”
    • 高等人教育,嗯,没接受过。但是主霉每天都在对我进行低等人教育,告诉我高等人说的话全都是真理,这倒是有的。 +4